Top 5 Books Series To Start In 2024
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Top 5 Book Series I Will Start In 2024

Happy Tuesday again friends! This week, I am doing one of the Top 5 Tuesday prompts created and hosted by Meeghan Reads (originally it was created by The Bionic Bookworm). This week’s topic is about the top 5 book series to start in 2024, and I am already stressing which ones to pick because there are so many amazing new series coming out this year!

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Foxglove by Adalyn Grace Book Review
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Book Review: Foxglove (Belladonna #2) By Adalyn Grace

In 2022, Belladonna by Adalyn Grace was one of my favorite books of the year. Naturally, I had high hopes for the sequel, Foxglove, to blow me away as well.

And while Foxglove by Adalyn Grace was definitely a fun and engaging read, it lacked the charm, the gothic intrigue, and the sizzling romance that Belladonna did. Here’s my full review

Book Review: Foxglove (Belladonna #2) By Adalyn Grace

Warning: this review of Foxglove by Adalyn Grace contains a few spoilers for the first book, Belladonna. If you have not read Belladonna yet, consider reading my spoiler-free review of it here.

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Bookish Goals for 2024
Book Corner, Other Bookish Stuff, Top 10 Tuesday

Bookish Goals For 2024: Read More Diverse Stories

Happy Tuesday friends! This week’s Top 10 Tuesday topic is about our bookish goals for 2024 and for the first time in a long time…I am actually a bit unsure of what my reading resolutions should be.

Usually, I always have a TBR list for the new year prepared months in advance, and despite being a moody reader, I usually know what books I want to dive into. But in 2024, I kind of want to go with the flow and read stories that spark my interest from page 1.

So I guess this week, I won’t really be able to make a 10-point list of bookish goals for 2024 because I honestly still don’t know what I really want to read this year.

Bookish Goals for 2024
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Between Two Moons Blog Banner
Book Corner, Contemporary, Diverse Books, Home, Own Voices, Reviews, Young Adult

Book Review: Between Two Moons by Aisha Abdel Gawad

To be honest, I don’t know where to begin with this book. It’s one of my favorite books of 2023, but I feel like no matter how succinct I try to be with my review, I will not be able to do it justice.

I’ve had Aisha Abdel Gawad’s debut novel, Between Two Moons, on my most anticipated summer releases list last year and finally got the chance to pick it up from the library a couple months ago. As someone who loves coming-of-age stories, I was super excited to see a book that featured not only Muslim main characters but an entire novel full of Muslim people and the Muslim community at large.

And I knew this book would break my heart, simply after reading the blurb. And yet, I couldn’t stop the tears when I reached the end of the story.

Between Two Moons Blog Banner

A gorgeous, and truly authentic story about what it means to grow up as Muslim teenagers struggling with identity and faith in a country where Islamophobia runs rampant, Between Two Moons by Aisha Abdel Gawad is a shockingly realistic novel about family, girlhood, and the immigrant experience.

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Most Anticipated Book Releases of 2024
Book Corner, Bookish News & Releases, Home, Other Bookish Stuff, Top 10 Tuesday

Most Anticipated Book Releases Of 2024

2024 is looking like a great year for some amazing books. In fact, I really hard time trimming my list of most anticipated book releases of 2024 to just 10 books this year (I’d love to make this longer though–so I might add more books here over time).

Personally, I am super excited to read more diverse books this year, especially ones that are written by Muslim authors and have Muslim main characters. I am also trying to keep some diversity in the genres as well–though I will always end up reading mostly YA books, I have also added several exciting adult titles in this compilation of book releases of 2024.

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Favorite Books of 2023
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Favorite Books of 2023

2023 has been…quite an interesting year for me. And an overwhelming one too. And while I could not complete my reading challenge of 50 books, I definitely read some wonderful stories last year that I am always going to cherish. Here are some of my favorite books of 2023.

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The Modern Girl's Guide To Magic
Adult, Book Corner, Contemporary, Home, Reviews, Romance, Science Fiction & Fantasy

Book Review: The Modern Girl’s Guide To Magic By Linsey Hall

I might be a big fan of high fantasy, but every once in a while, I get an itch to read a fun supernatural story–usually featuring vampires or witches. Which is why I knew I would love Modern Girl’s Guide To Magic by Linsey Hall when I first picked it up, and I was right.

The Modern Girl's Guide To Magic

A light and charming story about a witch with wonky powers trying to prove herself, The Modern Girl’s Guide To Magic by Linsey Hall is a fun cozy read with just the right sprinkling of magic and romance.

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Books About Palestine
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10 Books About Palestine You Should Read Right Now

With the genocide happening in Palestine and all the media circus surrounding it, I have been coming across several resources sharing some of the best books about Palestine people should read to gain a better understanding of the situation. I wanted to take the moment to step away from today’s regular Top Ten Tuesday post to talk about this issue that matters so much to me.

And so, instead of following this week’s Top 10 Tuesday topic, let’s talk about some of the best books about Palestine that can help you understand why this violence shouldn’t be labeled “Israel-Palestine conflict” and how exactly it started all those years ago.

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Most Anticipated Horror Books of 2023
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Most Anticipated Horror Books Of 2023

With the spooky season coming up, there’s really no better time to get cozy with a blanket and a good horror book to kick off Halloween this year. For me personally. there are tons of great spine-chilling novels coming out this year; here are some of my most anticipated horror books of 2023.

~Top 10 Most Anticipated Horror Books Of 2023~

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Book Review Heavy Is The Head by Sumaya Enyegue
Book Corner, Contemporary, Home, Poetry, Reviews

Review: Heavy Is The Head by Sumaya Enyegue

As someone who has an intense love of poetry, I am always looking forward to discovering new poets and their works. And very recently, I discovered Heavy is the Head by Sumyaya Enyegue, and I was absolutely entranced by how emotionally beautiful her works are.

A collection of heartwrenching poems, Heavy Is The Head by Sumaya Enyegue is an unforgettable debut that reminds you of what it means to be truly vulnerable. 

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