2023 Year In Review written on a pink backdrop.
Stray Thoughts, Home, Wrap Up Posts

2023 Year In Review

The end of every year is always such a sentimental time for me. I am introspective by nature, so of course on New Year’s Eve I will be sitting alone in my room, slightly tipsy on a few glasses of wine, lofi music playing on the background while I reflect on everything that has happened to write my 2023 year in review.

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Saturday Spotlight
Wrap Up Posts, Home, Stray Thoughts

Saturday Spotlight: Week 2 Of May 2023

Happy Saturday my friends! I am back with my weekly wrap up post, in which I share everything that has happened so far during Week 2 of May 2023. This time on Saturday Spotlight, I mostly have updates about some new things I have been trying out, and experiments I am planning to do with the blog, among other exciting news.

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Saturday Spotlight
Home, Stray Thoughts, Wrap Up Posts

Saturday Spotlight: Week 1 Of May 2023

I have been rereading my older posts lately and it made me realize just how much I used to love doing weekly wrap up posts as well. There’s something about looking back on the week that feels inspiring and motivating. And so I’ve decided to start these weekly wrap ups again, with a not-so-original spin: welcome to my first Saturday Spotlight: Week 1 of May 2023!

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