The Fall Of The House Of Usher
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Netflix Series Review: The Fall Of The House Of Usher

As someone who is a HUGE fan of almost all of Mike Flanagan’s works, I think you can safely presume that I absolutely loved Netflix’s The Fall Of The House Of Usher. In fact, dare I say that this horror series on Netflix might be one of Mike Flanagan’s best work yet! 

A love letter to several short stories written by Edgar Allan Poe, The Fall Of The House Of Usher is a spine-chilling horror series that shows how a once-powerful and wealthy family come face to face with their ruins, and the supernatural forces that seem to haunt them for sinister reasons.

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Books About Palestine
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10 Books About Palestine You Should Read Right Now

With the genocide happening in Palestine and all the media circus surrounding it, I have been coming across several resources sharing some of the best books about Palestine people should read to gain a better understanding of the situation. I wanted to take the moment to step away from today’s regular Top Ten Tuesday post to talk about this issue that matters so much to me.

And so, instead of following this week’s Top 10 Tuesday topic, let’s talk about some of the best books about Palestine that can help you understand why this violence shouldn’t be labeled “Israel-Palestine conflict” and how exactly it started all those years ago.

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Genocide In Palestine
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Why The Genocide In Palestine Hits So Close To Home

The past few weeks have been…well, to say that the ongoing genocide in Palestine isn’t affecting me would be a complete lie. I wish I wasn’t so sensitive to these things, but as it happens I think I might need to step away from the internet for a while and disappear into fictional places. I understand that’s a very privileged thing to say, but I am well aware that the fact that I can write these words down without fearing for my life, in the comfort and the safety of a house that is not under the threat of being bombed, that in and of itself is a great luxury.

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