Most Anticipated Book Releases of 2024
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Most Anticipated Book Releases Of 2024

2024 is looking like a great year for some amazing books. In fact, I really hard time trimming my list of most anticipated book releases of 2024 to just 10 books this year (I’d love to make this longer though–so I might add more books here over time).

Personally, I am super excited to read more diverse books this year, especially ones that are written by Muslim authors and have Muslim main characters. I am also trying to keep some diversity in the genres as well–though I will always end up reading mostly YA books, I have also added several exciting adult titles in this compilation of book releases of 2024.

From paranormal vampire romance to chilling psychological thrillers, here are the books I am looking forward to reading this year.

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~ 10 Most Anticipated Book Releases Of 2024 ~

Note: The list provided below is in random, arbitrary order and not by the order of when the books will be released.

1. A Tempest Of Tea by Hafsa Faizal

One of the most exciting book releases of 2024 for me is A Tempest of Tea by Hafsah Faizal. Maybe it’s because I have been re-reading L.J Smith’s Night World series in 2023, but lately, I have really been missing the YA vampire fantasy craze that had swept through the reading community when I was growing up (think The Vampire Diaries, Morganville Vampires, Vampire Academy, etc).

So imagine my excitement when I heard Hafsah Faizal’s newest book, A Tempest of Tea, has vampires (that too POC vampires!) and a dangerous heist and tea!!! It’s literally everything I love put together in a YA fantasy and I am so here for it.

Release Date: February 20, 2024

2. The Reappearance of Rachel Price by Holly Jackson

The past two years, my sister has been mostly reading and recommending tons of crime thrillers and horrors to me, and I have to admit…her influence is rubbing off on me. Which is why I am super excited for The Reappearance of Rachel Price by Holly Jackson to hit the shelves this April.

The story follows 18-year-old Bel Price, whose mother, Rachel Price, mysteriously disappeared sixteen years earlier with Bel as the only witness. When the case is brought up again and Bel’s family agrees to film a documentary, Rachel reappears to her family with an unbelievable story about what really happened to her. It’s up to Bel to figure out the truth of her mother’s disappearance, and also uncover why she really came back.

Release Date: April 2, 2024

3. Under This Red Rock by Mindy McGinnis

I have been a fan of Mindy McGinnis ever since I read A Madness So Discreet and The Female Of The Species, so of course her newest title, Under This Red Rock is on my list of book releases of 2024.

A psychological thriller/murder mystery about a girl who cannot figure out whether the monsters she sees are truly in her head or are actually real, Under This Red Rock sounds like the kind of book that will be impossible to put down.

Release Date: March 19, 2024

4. Where Sleeping Girls Lie by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé

Speaking of thrillers and mysteries, Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé, the same author behind one of my favorite books Ace of Spades, is releasing two new titles in 2024 and I cannot wait to get my hands on them.

Where Sleeping Girls Lie is a YA thriller about a new girl at a boarding school who discovers dark secrets after her roommate mysteriously disappears. It’s one of the most anticipated book releases of 2024 for me, especially considering that the MC is a Muslim character–it brings me so much joy to see more Muslim rep in publishing! <3

Release Date: March 19, 2024

5. So Let Them Burn by Kamilah Cole

Most Anticipated Book Releases Of 2024

Next up on my list of book releases of 2024 is So Let Them Burn by Kamilah Cole. I have been seeing this book all over Twitter since 2023, and I am really excited for it to hit the shelves next week!

A Jamaican-inspired YA Fantasy featuring two incredible sisters, So Let Them Burn follows a young heroine who must choose between her sister’s life and the fate of the world. I expect this book to break my heart and give me inconsolable trauma, and I am looking forward to it.

Release Date: January 16, 2024

6. Wisteria (Belladonna #3) by Adalyn Grace

Wisteria Book Cover

I remember obsessing over Belladonna when it first came out in 2022. And while I am not too fond of the sequel that was released last year, I still want to see where Adalyn Grace takes the story in the third (and hopefully final) book of the series.

For those who missed it, Belladonna is a deliciously dark YA Gothic Romance (with a pretty good serving of murder mystery on the side). It follows the story of one Signa Farrow, a girl who with a mysterious connection to Death himself, and set in the Victorian era.

Seeing as how I am both a fan of period drama/romance and YA fantasy, Wisteria is one of my most anticipated book releases of 2024 that I am looking forward to.

Release Date: August 20, 2024

7. All This Twisted Glory (This Woven Kingdom #3) by Tahereh Mafi

It really is just slightly embarrassing that I claim to be a HUGE Tahereh Mafi fan but have never read any works by her aside from the Shatter Me trilogy (I say “trilogy” because I like to pretend the books ended with Ignite Me and the newer titles do not exist).

2024 is going to change that. Hopefully. This Woven Kingdom–a romance trilogy inspired by Persian mythology–is on my TBR list for 2024, and the third book in the series, All This Twisted Glory, is one of the book releases of 2024 that I am excited to pick up.

Release Date: February 6, 2024

8. Don’t Let The Forest In by C. G. Drews

C. G Drews–also known as “PaperFury” in the book community, has written several books which I really should get on to reading, but Don’t Let The Forest In is the one that I am excited for!

A YA psychological horror featuring an asexual narrator, Don’t Let The Forest In is at the top of my list of queer book releases of 2024.

Release Date: October 29, 2024

9. The Djinn Waits A Hundred Years by Shubnum Khan

Speaking of horror, next up on my list of most anticipated book releases of 2024 is one that features Muslim characters and stories about djinn. The Djinn Waits A Hundred Years by Shubnum Khan comes out this month, and features a haunted mansion and a girl who uncovers its dark past.

Release Date: January 9, 2024

10. Four Eids And A Funeral by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé & Adiba Jaigirdar

Four Eids And A Funeral

Finally, the next title on my list of most anticipated books of 2024 is another Muslim romance novel written by TWO of my favorite Muslim authors: Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé & Adiba Jaigirdar. Four Eids and A Funeral is a love story about two ex-BFFs who must join together to save their Islamic Center from being destroyed. Also bonus points for Bangladeshi rep & being written by a fellow Bangladeshi author! <3

Release Date: June 4, 2024

Of course, there are lots of more exciting book releases of 2024 to look forward to, but for now, these are the ones that I am really hoping to get my hands on this year. Let me know what’s on your list of most anticipated books of 2024 in the comments below!

Most Anticipated Book Releases Of 2024



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