The Meaning of Sacrifice On Eid-Ul-Adha
Home, Misfit Muslim Musings, Stray Thoughts

The Meaning of Sacrifice On Eid-Ul-Adha

This year, being far away from home means that when it comes to celebrating religious events like Eid-Ul-Adha, I would be spending the whole day with my beautiful, wonderful friends–most of whom are non-Muslims–instead of with people from my community. Of course, it also meant that I had to explain to them the meaning of sacrifice on Eid-Ul-Adha.

To those unaware, Eid-Ul-Fitr and Eid-Ul-Adha are the only two important religious events that Muslims get to celebrate, and both events are rooted in historical symbolism. 

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Misfit Muslim Musings: My Problems With Organized Religion
Home, Misfit Muslim Musings, Stray Thoughts

My Problems With Organized Religion

I have been drafting this blog post for what has been months now. Even though this website is my safe space, it’s a little difficult to find the courage to talk about something as controversial as my problems with organized religion. Maybe it’s because I grew up in a traditional and conservative Muslim society. Maybe it’s because in general Southeast Asian communities tend to be unaccepting of ideas that question their norms. Either way, my complicated relationship with Islam is a topic that I have always wanted to talk about but found very few people willing to hear me out.

So, here it goes.

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~5 Big Problems With Organized Religion~

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Genocide In Palestine
Home, Misfit Muslim Musings, Stray Thoughts

Why The Genocide In Palestine Hits So Close To Home

The past few weeks have been…well, to say that the ongoing genocide in Palestine isn’t affecting me would be a complete lie. I wish I wasn’t so sensitive to these things, but as it happens I think I might need to step away from the internet for a while and disappear into fictional places. I understand that’s a very privileged thing to say, but I am well aware that the fact that I can write these words down without fearing for my life, in the comfort and the safety of a house that is not under the threat of being bombed, that in and of itself is a great luxury.

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