Film and literature (or any kind of art really) have always played a big role in shaping the way we experience not just the world around us, but our own lives too. And while healing is a complex, continuous and non-linear journey, after certain personal tragedies that I faced earlier this year, I couldn’t help but fall back on some of my most favorite books and movies on healing to help me push through.
Continue reading “Favorite Books And Movies On Healing”Category: TV Shows & Movies
Netflix Series Review: The Fall Of The House Of Usher
As someone who is a HUGE fan of almost all of Mike Flanagan’s works, I think you can safely presume that I absolutely loved Netflix’s The Fall Of The House Of Usher. In fact, dare I say that this horror series on Netflix might be one of Mike Flanagan’s best work yet!
A love letter to several short stories written by Edgar Allan Poe, The Fall Of The House Of Usher is a spine-chilling horror series that shows how a once-powerful and wealthy family come face to face with their ruins, and the supernatural forces that seem to haunt them for sinister reasons.
Continue reading “Netflix Series Review: The Fall Of The House Of Usher”Fair Play Movie Review: A Brilliant Portrayal Of Toxic Masculinity And Gender Politics
I am usually the last person to ever watch anything that is pitched as a “sensual, erotic thriller”, but just for Phoebe Dynevor, I was willing to make an exception and watch Fair Play on Netflix. And I am so glad I did, because this has to be one of my most favorite feminist thriller films to date!
A gripping and unnervingly disturbing look at the downward spiral of a power couple’s relationship, Fair Play movie is a brilliantly made thriller that shows just how dangerous fragile masculinity can be.
Continue reading “Fair Play Movie Review: A Brilliant Portrayal Of Toxic Masculinity And Gender Politics”My Top 10 Horror Movies Of All Time
With Halloween coming up, I couldn’t resist creating this listicle where I share my favorite top 10 horror movies of all time…and yes, when I say “favorite horror movies”, I do mean that these are some of the scariest horror films that I can actually rewatch and still get spooked!

As someone who has grown up watching horror and thriller films, you’d think I would be immune to ghastly jump scares, revolting corpses, and creaking doors that have minds of their own, by now. But it’s the opposite actually. Even at the age of 20 something, I am still terrified of horror films…and can’t stop watching them. 🤣
Continue reading “My Top 10 Horror Movies Of All Time”The Menu Movie Review: A Delectable Thriller With Social Commentary
When it comes to my favorite horror or thriller movies, I have always had a soft spot for the ones that hit close to him–especially when those films try to weave in themes that one would not expect in the horror genre. And one such film that I recently watched and absolutely devoured is The Menu, a mindblowing horror movie that starts out as a brilliant satire but quickly morphs into a disturbingly sinister thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Continue reading “The Menu Movie Review: A Delectable Thriller With Social Commentary”All The Light We Cannot See Trailer, Release Date And Cast
I haven’t been able to stop thinking about Netflix’s All The Light We Cannot See trailer that just dropped a few weeks ago. If you have been around this blog for a while, you know how much I absolutely adore All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. It was, in fact, one of the very first books that I reviewed, and without a doubt, one of the first historical fiction that sparked my interest in the genre.
Continue reading “All The Light We Cannot See Trailer, Release Date And Cast”5 Best Book To Film Adaptations
There are very few things in this world that terrifies a bookworm as much as book to film adaptations do. No, we are not being nitpicky–it is actually rare for us to come across a book to film adaptation that is neither a complete mess nor goes off track from the source material.
BUT, thankfully, there are still quite a few gems that have been made based on equally beautifully written books. Here are my list of the best book to film adaptations that I have seen till date.
~ Top 5 Best Book To Film Adaptations ~

Netflix Series Review: The Sandman
Warning: this review is more of a ramble than a proper review because I am still too mesmerized after watching this masterpiece of a show to collect my thoughts.
The Sandman on Netflix is a fantasy TV show based on the comics series of the same name by Neil Gaiman and published by DC Comics. It follows the story of Morpheus, a brooding, morally ambiguous, and self-involved anthropomorphic personification who governs the realm of dreams of all living beings.

Netflix Series Review: The Haunting Of Bly Manor
Having a mother who is obsessed with horror films I have watched my fair share of the scariest movies you could think of–the list includes box office hits and underrated gems alike. And as I grew older, I realized that not only did I share a love of the terrifying unknown and inexplicable with my mother–we also shared a love for horror stories that were more than jump scares, possessions, and tales of revenge.
Continue reading “Netflix Series Review: The Haunting Of Bly Manor”Netflix Series Review: Jane The Virgin
In a world full of uncertainty, sometimes we need a little reassurance that dreams do come true, and true love and happily ever afters can indeed happen, no matter how difficult the journey may seem. And never has there been a TV show that made me as hopeful for my own happily ever after as Jane The Virgin.
Continue reading “Netflix Series Review: Jane The Virgin”