Favorite Platonic Relationships In Books
Book Corner, Home, Other Bookish Stuff, Top 10 Tuesday

10 Favorite Platonic Relationships In Books

Welcome back to Top 10 Tuesday again friends! This week’s prompt is a throwback freebie, and the prompt that I picked is Favorite Platonic Relationships in Books. After all, even though I love me some swoon-worthy romance, it’s always the best friend pairing that makes or breaks a story!

~ 10 Favorite Platonic Relationships In Books ~

For those who don’t know, Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme originally created by The Broke and The Bookish and now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. It’s a wonderful way to find new bloggers, so if you are participating in the weekly meme, make sure to share your post in the comments below so I can check them out.

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Top 5 Book Series I will finish
Book Corner, Home, Other Bookish Stuff, Top 10 Tuesday

Top 5 Book Series I Will Finish In 2024

Last week for Top 5 Tuesday (hosted by Meeghan Reads and originally created by The Bionic Bookworm), I shared the top 5 book series I wanted to start this year. This week’s post is about the top 5 book series I will finish in 2024–and if I am being honest, I am not 100% sure how much I can commit to this because I am SUCH a moody reader! 😂

In fact, 2024 is turning out to be such a moody reading year for me that I still don’t have a TBR list ready for this year. So instead, here’s a list of 5 book series that I hope to finish reading in 2024 (fingers crossed!)

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Top 5 Books Series To Start In 2024
Book Corner, Home, Other Bookish Stuff, Top 10 Tuesday

Top 5 Book Series I Will Start In 2024

Happy Tuesday again friends! This week, I am doing one of the Top 5 Tuesday prompts created and hosted by Meeghan Reads (originally it was created by The Bionic Bookworm). This week’s topic is about the top 5 book series to start in 2024, and I am already stressing which ones to pick because there are so many amazing new series coming out this year!

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Bookish Goals for 2024
Book Corner, Other Bookish Stuff, Top 10 Tuesday

Bookish Goals For 2024: Read More Diverse Stories

Happy Tuesday friends! This week’s Top 10 Tuesday topic is about our bookish goals for 2024 and for the first time in a long time…I am actually a bit unsure of what my reading resolutions should be.

Usually, I always have a TBR list for the new year prepared months in advance, and despite being a moody reader, I usually know what books I want to dive into. But in 2024, I kind of want to go with the flow and read stories that spark my interest from page 1.

So I guess this week, I won’t really be able to make a 10-point list of bookish goals for 2024 because I honestly still don’t know what I really want to read this year.

Bookish Goals for 2024
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Catch A Bookworm
Book Corner, Home, Other Bookish Stuff, Top 10 Tuesday

Top 5 Ways To Catch A Bookworm

Bookworms are one rare, unique species, with an uncanny ability to ignore the entire world when they are reading a good book and an insatiable hunger for good stories. If you want to lure out this rare specimen, then check out these top 5 ways to catch a bookworm.

This post is a prompt from Top 5 Tuesday, a weekly meme originally created by The Bionic Bookworm and now hosted by Meeghan from Meeghan Reads.

~ Top 5 Ways To Catch A Bookworm ~

Catch A Bookworm
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