Happy Tuesday friends! This week’s Top 10 Tuesday topic is about our bookish goals for 2024 and for the first time in a long time…I am actually a bit unsure of what my reading resolutions should be.
Usually, I always have a TBR list for the new year prepared months in advance, and despite being a moody reader, I usually know what books I want to dive into. But in 2024, I kind of want to go with the flow and read stories that spark my interest from page 1.
So I guess this week, I won’t really be able to make a 10-point list of bookish goals for 2024 because I honestly still don’t know what I really want to read this year.

One thing that I do know for a fact is that in 2024, I want to read more diverse books than I did before. In particular, I want to read more books by Muslim authors and Bangladeshi authors from around the world. If you’ve seen my list of the most anticipated book releases for 2024, you might notice there are many titles by Muslim and POC authors that I am looking forward to. I think that recently I have been noticing the same kind of books getting a lot of exposure on social media (specifically booktok) and I just want to see other exceptionally well-written stories get the spotlight that they deserve.
Aside from reading more diverse books, I suppose one of my bookish goals for 2024 would be to try out The Project Backlist Challenge by Kal from The Reader Voracious. The purpose of this challenge is to read the books you already own–be it books that you purchased, received as gifts, or ARCs. There are several ways to approach this challenge, so if it looks like something you might be interested in do check out Kal’s original post linked above.
I personally aim to read a minimum of 24 books in 2024, and I am hoping that at least half of those books will be titles that I already own.
And that sums up my bookish goals for 2024. Do you have any specific reading goals you want to tick off this year? Let me know in the comments below!
I also have the goal of reading more of my own books this year, specifically the physical ones. My bookshelves are literally bending under the weight of all my unread books! Good luck to both of us 🙂
Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!
I know right! I don’t even want to look at my ebooks collection–I KNOW I would not be able to finish that pile in a couple years at least! Thanks for visiting <3