Favorite Platonic Relationships In Books
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10 Favorite Platonic Relationships In Books

Welcome back to Top 10 Tuesday again friends! This week’s prompt is a throwback freebie, and the prompt that I picked is Favorite Platonic Relationships in Books. After all, even though I love me some swoon-worthy romance, it’s always the best friend pairing that makes or breaks a story!

~ 10 Favorite Platonic Relationships In Books ~

For those who don’t know, Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme originally created by The Broke and The Bookish and now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. It’s a wonderful way to find new bloggers, so if you are participating in the weekly meme, make sure to share your post in the comments below so I can check them out.

10 Favorite Platonic Relationships In Books

1. Juliette and Kenji from Shatter Me

10 Favorite Platonic Relationships In Books

I have read Shatter Me trilogy more times than I can count, and every single time, I couldn’t help but think that it was Juliette’s friendship with Kenji that really healed her and helped her grow from being a traumatized, damsel in distress to the ass-kicking, revolutionary rebel leader that she became in the third book (and yes, I like to pretend the story ended there).

Their banters, the way Kenji is so protective of her but also constantly calls her out every time she does something stupid (which happens quite often to be honest)–all of their interactions were so natural that you cannot help but admire their friendship and want something like that in your own life too.

Sometimes, I cannot help but think that we live in such a hypersexualized heteronormative society that the idea of a straight man and a straight woman being just friends seems like an exception rather than the norm. But Juliette and Kenji’s beautiful, platonic relationship proves that it doesn’t have to be that way. I wish more books and films focused on similar, wholesome platonic relationships between heterosexual men and women.

2. Mary-Lynnette And The Redfern Girls from Daughters of Darkness

Daughters of Darkness from the Night World series by L. J. Smith is one of my favorite paranormal love stories of all time! But while the romance between Mary-Lynnette Carter and Ash Redfern is electrifying and mature and realistic, the highlight of the plot is ultimately Mary-Lynnette’s friendships with all of Ash’s sisters–Rowan, Kestrel and Jade. In fact, the love and affection between Mary-Lynnette and the Redfern girls is a huge part of the plot, and is one of the most wholesome platonic relationships I have seen in any book.

3. Sade And Basil from Where Sleeping Girls Lie

Where Sleeping Girls Lie book cover

I recently finished reading the latest masterpiece, Where Sleeping Girls Lie by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé so of course it is still fresh on my mind. And one of the highlights of the story–aside from our amazing protagonist Sade, is her beautiful platonic relationship with her friend Baz as well as Baz’s purely platonic but incredibly emotional relationship with Elizabeth.

4. Victoria And Jonathan from The Literary Undoing Of Victoria Swann

10 Favorite Platonic Relationships In Books

Next up on my list of favorite platonic relationships in books would be the friendship and understanding between Victoria and Jonathan from the novel The Literary Undoing of Victoria Swann. The former is an author fighting for the simple right to get fair pay for her books and writing stories that matter to her heart. The latter is an editor eager torn between wanting to build a successful career and wanting to publish stories that matter.

While I do admit that in the beginning of the book, even I was fooled into thinking that something romantic might happen between the two. I loved that their relationship soon developed into something of a deep understanding and respect for one another. Victoria and Jonathan’s friendship is one of my most favorite platonic relationships in books with dual perspectives, and I absolutely loved watching them grow and become the right fit for each other, not as lovers, but as friends who share the vision for their lives.

5. Shireen And Fatima from The Do’s And Donuts of Love

Dos And Donuts Of Love

Another great example of amazingly done platonic relationships in books would be the friendship between Shireen and Fatima from The Do’s And Donuts of Love. Both are Bangladeshi teens brought up in Ireland, and throughout the book, they both navigate the intricacies of their own identities in very different ways. While Shireen pays homage to her roots by making Bangladeshi sweets in a baking competition, Fatima connects to her heritage by spending the summer in Bangladesh and creating beautiful memories with her cousins.

Conflicts arise between the two girls because of how they navigate their identity and heritage. But at the end of the day, their love for each other wins out and brings them closer.

6. Signa And Blythe from Belladonna


Perhaps choosing two girls who are distant cousins may not be the right example of some of the best platonic relationships in books…but Signa and Blythe’s love and devotion for each other was one of the highlights of the series Belladonna by Adalyn Grace. The two are complete polar opposites of each other, and yet the respect and admiration they hold for one another was incredibly wholesome to read about.

7. Alex And Peekay from The Female Of The Species

10 Favorite Platonic Relationships In Books

One of my favorite female friendships would be the one between Alex and Peekay from The Female of The Species by Mindy McGinnis. This book has to be the definition of female rage, and sheds much-needed light on rape culture and violence against women.

But one of the things that make this book stand out is the beautiful friendship and love that Peekay and Alex hold for each other, and how that friendship affects both girls throughout the course of the novel–with each girl becoming a better version of themselves in their own ways.

8. Karou And Zuzana from Daughter of Smoke And Bone

10 Favorite Platonic Relationships In Books

Speaking of beautiful female friendships…if your best friend isn’t willing to follow you into a whole new universe just so you wouldn’t have to fight your battles alone….then is she even your best friend?

Zuzana from Daughter of Smoke And Bone is one incredible little firecracker, and her friendship with Karou is the definition of what female friendships should be.

9. Wade And Helen from Ready Player One

Your best friend doesn’t always have to be someone belonging to the same gender as you. Wade and Helen from Ready Player One are a great example. Their friendship is one of the best platonic relationships in books, and the fact that their bond becomes unbreakable before the two of them even meet each other in person only makes it that much better.

10. Simon And Lea from Simon vs The Homo Sapien’s Agenda

10 Favorite Platonic Relationships In Books

Last but not least, Simon and Lea from Simon vs The Homo Sapien’s Agenda are a great example of an amazing platonic relationship. The way the two of them care deeply for each other was one of the highlights of the book for me. And although Lea is far from being perfect, her interactions with Simon was wholesome on a completely different level.

That wraps up my list of the best platonic relationships in books! Feel free to share your favorite platonic relationship in books in the comments below! <3

10 Favorite Platonic Relationships In Books



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