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Book Tour + Blitz: Twin River High Series By Lynn Rush And Kelly Anne Blount

The Twin River High series has been on my to-be-read list for a while now. I was hooked by the premise of the first book and knew I had to get my hands on it as soon as possible (Covid-19 lockdown being the only reason why I haven’t been able to get it yet).

Book Tour + Blitz: Twin River High Series By Lynn Rush And Kelly Anne Blount

I mean the premise of the first book, Gutter Girl, was enough to get me hyped up. A football jock who secretly writes fantasy romance? An anti-social goth girl who takes the credit and saves him from potential humiliation? And then the two start to fall in love? YES PLEASE! It sounds like the perfect cheesy rom-com YA fluff that you’d want to read and relax to.

So of course when I heard that a blog tour was being hosted for this series, I knew I wanted to be a part of it. Thank you Xpresso Book Tours for having me as a tour host for this book.

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Top Ten Tuesday: Books I’d Gladly Throw Into the Ocean

Top Ten Tuesday Banner

It’s been ages since the last time I wrote a Top Ten Tuesday post…though admittedly, it’s been ages since I have returned to blogging. I either appear once in a full moon or I go off the grid; there is no in between.

Anyway, for those who don’t know already, Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly prompt created by the lovely bloggers at The Broke and The Bookish and now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. And this week’s prompt, submitted by Beauty & Her Books is the kind of prompt that can have me ranting for ages. (Psst she is another great book blogger I just discovered, do check out her site!)

That’s right folks. Today, I am going to give you a list of the top ten books that I hated with such passion, that I would gladly throw them into the ocean…or shoot them into outer space…or feed them to my cats.

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Announcements: Blogoween+The Classics Club TBR


(and I come bearing news)

It’s good to be back on the blog, but the hiatus was a much needed break because of how stressful things are right now in my life–my mom recently fractured her ankle so I have to do the groceries and take my sister to her classes and pick her up from classes too, none of which would not have been so difficult if only I didn’t have 8-5 classes myself.

(in fact I am trying really hard not to fall asleep on my laptop as I write this post)

(and so this is gonna be a very quick and short post…minus the tbr list below)

I’ll admit that a small part of me still wants to extend the hiatus, but I really didn’t want to miss Blogoween–the book blogger’s version of Halloween  which is being hosted by some lovely people I met through #NewBloggers (you’ll get to know them all as I start posting on the prompt dates).

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Home, Stray Thoughts

The Sunday Post: Weekly Wrap Up #2

Aaaand that’s another week of August gone by! Time flies, especially when you have midterms going on. It’s been rough last week so there’s a lot I haven’t really gotten around to doing, but all things considered I think I am doing fine.

Personal life

I feel like talking about what’s been happening in my non-blogging life…just because. Some time ago, I made my first personal post The Hard Part where I talked about how after falling for a guy I knew I couldn’t have Continue reading “The Sunday Post: Weekly Wrap Up #2”

Home, Young Adult

Review: The Iron Queen (The Iron Fey#3) by Julie Kagawa

The Iron Queen.png

Note: This review is for the third book of The Iron Fey series and may therefore contain spoilers. Click here for the review of the first book and here for the review of the second book.


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I am Meghan Chase.
I thought it was over. That my time with the fey, the impossible choices I had to make, the sacrifices of those I loved, was behind me. But a storm is approaching, an army of Iron fey that will drag me back, kicking and screaming. Drag me away from the banished prince who’s sworn to stand by my side. Drag me into the core of conflict so powerful, I’m not sure anyone can survive it.

This time, there will be no turning back.

I am trying my best to write a coherent review for this book, one that will do this book justice, but sometimes when you read a really good book it is almost impossible to express into words the feelings that the book leaves you with. The Iron Queen is one such book.


Our MC, Meghan Chase, who is forever going to be one of my favorite female leads in literature comes a long way from being the quiet, shy sixteen-year-old she was in the first book. Though she does not lose her humor or her endearing moments of Continue reading “Review: The Iron Queen (The Iron Fey#3) by Julie Kagawa”


September Resolutions

August Recap and september resolutions

Hello bookworms! Hope you have had a wonderful month in August. For me personally last month was a month of teeny tiny personal accomplishments, most revolving around me trying to improve my time management skills so I can finally get the hang of juggling my real life with my reading/online life. And what do you know? I did it! I managed to squeeze in 7 books last month while still being able to prepare for all my assignments, presentations, group works and class tests in advance (in our university we have individual Powerpoint presentations every alternate day and assignments and class tests every two weeks). For someone who hasn’t been able to find time to read more than 2 books a month for the past two years, my reading progress in August came off as a surprise.

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Home, Stray Thoughts

Blogging Slumps…Let It Happen

Hello everyone! I hope you all are having a great weekend. First, let me apologize for being MIA the last two months–life has been really hectic, and to tell you the truth, things were getting so bad that I couldn’t help but slide into a blogging as well as a reading slump. Now that I’m back from my long hiatus, looking back I realize how badly I needed to have that break; no offense to my lovely readers but taking some time off from my blog and focusing more on my personal life has really helped me to put things in perspective.

On that note, I decided to return to my blog with a discussion post about what think is the best solution for a blogging slump. The answer is simple and somewhat unorthodox: let it happen.

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