Most Recommended Books
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Books I Recommend to Others the Most

One of the most difficult questions I get from people is when they ask me to recommend a book. Which sounds strange; as a book blogger, that should be the easiest part of my job, right? 

In a world where so many incredible stories are constantly being churned out every day, it’s not easy to pick a favorite or even one that everyone will love. Still, there are a few books that I do believe everyone should read at least once in their lives. Here’s my list of the most recommended books for young adult and adult readers alike.

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First 5 Books I Reviewed
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The First 5 Books I Reviewed

Lately, I have been re-reading the Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi from the beginning again, and each time I finished a book from the series, I went to Goodreads and re-read my original reviews waaaayyyyy back from almost five or six years ago…and oh my god friends, it was pure joy!

I’ll be the first to admit that my reviewing style was super immature back then, but was it entertaining?


In fact, I had so much fun re-reading the thoughts of younger little me, that I decided to write a post on the first 5 books I have ever reviewed. That’s right friends, today, we are gonna take a trip down memory lane where I’ll be re-reading the first 5 books I reviewed on this blog and sharing my thoughts about each of them. Let’s get to it!

First 5 Books I Reviewed
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Dramatic Bookworm Problems
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Top 5 Dramatic Bookworm Problems

Happy Tuesday again friends! This week’s Top 5 Tuesday topic demands that I let my inner diva take the stage, and I am all for it! Here are my top 5 dramatic bookworm problems, and if you think I am being extra, then please take the exit on the left. 💋

For those who don’t know, Top 5 Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme originally created by The Bionic Bookworm and now hosted by Meeghan from Meeghan Reads.

~ Top 5 Dramatic Bookworm Problems ~

Dramatic Bookworm Problems

Let me be the first to say that bookworms have to be the easiest to please species on planet Earth. All we want is an infinite amount of time to read books, an infinite amount of money to buy books, and infinite bookshelves for growing our collection. 

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Catch A Bookworm
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Top 5 Ways To Catch A Bookworm

Bookworms are one rare, unique species, with an uncanny ability to ignore the entire world when they are reading a good book and an insatiable hunger for good stories. If you want to lure out this rare specimen, then check out these top 5 ways to catch a bookworm.

This post is a prompt from Top 5 Tuesday, a weekly meme originally created by The Bionic Bookworm and now hosted by Meeghan from Meeghan Reads.

~ Top 5 Ways To Catch A Bookworm ~

Catch A Bookworm
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Books With Crowns On The Cover
Book Corner, Home, Other Bookish Stuff, Top 10 Tuesday

Top 5 Books With Crowns On The Cover

Happy Tuesday again friends! This week’s Top 5 Tuesday prompt is one fit for royalty. Today, I am going to share my top 5 books with crowns on the cover!

For those who don’t know, Top 5 Tuesday is a bookish meme created by the Bionic Bookworm and now currently being hosted by Meeghan from Meeghan Reads. Meeghan is always coming up with cool fun ideas for Top 5 Tuesday, so make sure to head over to her site and check out her posts too!

Books With Crowns On The Cover
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Top 10 Books Set In Beautiful Places
Book Corner, Home, Other Bookish Stuff, Top 10 Tuesday

Top 10 Books Set In Places I’d Love to Visit 

Usually, when I am reading any book, I find myself wanting to live in the fictional, fantasy worlds they are set in. But once in a while, I’ll come across books set in beautiful places in the real world, and my inner wanderlust would be instantly triggered!

Unfortunately, I am too broke to travel to all of the beautiful places I read about in books, and even if I could afford it–being a brown girl means I have family restrictions when it comes to traveling solo. Sigh.

~ Top 10 Books Set In Beautiful Places ~

Top 10 Books Set In Beautiful Places

A girl can still dream though, and this week’s Top Ten Tuesday prompt is one that definitely has me dreaming. Today, I am going to share my favorite, top 10 books set in beautiful places, places that I’d love to visit someday.

For those who don’t know, Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly meme originally created by The Broke And The Bookish and now being hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

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Top 5 Rainy Day Reads
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Top 5 Rainy Day Reads

Happy Tuesday, again friends! It’s been a hot two minutes since my last Top 5 Tuesday post, but I am excited to get started with today’s topic because it has two of my favorite things: books, and rain. 

That’s right, today’s prompt is about the top 5 rainy day reads or books you want to cozy up with on a rainy day.

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Book Corner, Home, Other Bookish Stuff, Top 10 Tuesday

Top 5 Drinks For Reading (With Recipes)

Hello again, friends! Last Tuesday, Meeghan came up with a fun prompt for Top 5 Tuesday for foodies and bookworms alike: best 5 snacks to eat while reading. Today’s topic is also one that’s kinda related and will no doubt leave you feeling a little thirsty: top 5 drinks for reading.

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Book Corner, Home, Other Bookish Stuff, Top 10 Tuesday

Top 5 Snacks For Reading

I love doing listicles, and one of my most favorite listicles around the bookish blogosphere is the Top Ten Tuesday originally created by The Broke And The Bookish (now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl). Recently though, I stumbled upon Meeghan’s Top 5 Tuesday prompts, and I am super stoked to dive in.

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Book Corner, Home, Other Bookish Stuff, Top 10 Tuesday

Top 10 Tuesday: Backlist Books I Want To Read

It’s time for Top Ten Tuesday again! For those who don’t know, Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018.


This week’s prompt is “backlist books that I want to read”, and honestly, I have quite a long list of old books that were published ages ago but I never got around to reading…for…reasons…

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