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July Resolutions

June passed me by a little too quickly this year, but I am excited for everything July is going to bring. Not only does today mark the first day of my 22nd year on this planet, but there is so much to look forward to–Camp NanoWriMo to help me make more progress on my WIP novel, #bookstajuly18 on bookstagram, and so much more.

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October Resolutions

October Resolutions.png

I love the last day of a month and the first day of the month, because there is something about moving from one month to the next that makes me feel inspired and encouraged. New beginnings and all that jazz. September was a good month for me, and I look forward to whatever October is bringing.

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The TBR Randomiser Challenge

TBR Randomiser

One of my New Year’s resolution was to be more active on Goodreads–a site that I have studiously ignored just because. Recently I joined this group 2016 Reading Challenge and it’s pretty cool. There are plenty of cool challenges and the bookish community is super friendly as always. Anyway, one of the challenges I signed up for is The TBR Randomiser Challenge.

This is a really cool challenge and I would love it if you guys participated too! The rules are simple:

  1. Select the number of books you want to read for this challenge
  2. Go to the “My Books” tab on the top of the Goodreads Page.
  3. Bring up your “To-Read” shelf.
  4. On the bottom of the page in the middle, go to the “sort” field and select “Random.”
  5. Goodreads will generate a random list of books for you.
  6. READ!

Sounds fun, right? No? Oh, okay. These are the books Goodreads chose for me. It just so happens that I was reading Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard when GR chose this book for me.

I’m really hoping this will help reduce my ever-growing TBR pile! Let me know what’s on your reading list.

Because of my neck injury I won’t be posting anything for a while. I’ll try to put up random posts to keep the blog going but reviews probably won’t be up until after the 10th. Thanks for understanding you lovelies!