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Monthly Wrap Up: August At A Glance

Around the end of every month, it’s almost tradition to take a moment to pause and have a look back. August this year was an emotional roller coaster ride due to all the chaos that has been happening in my country, as well as due to some personal incidents too. It was a month during which I thought I wouldn’t be able to do much good…but in the end, it turned out that I did manage to achieve most of my goals this month.


One of the things that I am really proud of having accomplished this month is finally returning to my blog. I created this blog early this year because I knew I would come back–it was only a question of when I would return. I still remember how I fell in love with this community, the way the people here would cheer me up on any bad day, the way I would stay up past midnight typing out posts simply because I enjoyed doing it.

I am so happy to finally have found that old love again.

After a hiatus that lasted for more than a year, this is the first month that I posted more or less regularly, and I was surprised by how much I was looking forward to writing new posts and reading other bloggers’ posts every week this month.

I haven’t really made any personal post this month, choosing instead to include updates about my personal life in weekly wrap ups (this is a new thing that I tried this month and I actually liked it). It’s oddly relaxing to be able to write a very casual, easy post once a week–you get to breathe a bit while also making sure that your stats don’t hurt for it.

But I digress. Here are the posts that I have written this month (not including Top Ten Tuesday posts and Wrap Up posts).

Aside from the books I have reviewed on this blog, I also read The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken this month and absolutely loved it! It is such an amazing novel, that as soon as I’d finished it I made it a point to drag my mom and my sister to watch the movie with me during Eid break. And guess what? The movie was really good too. Of course, as someone who is a fan of the novel I knew the parts that could have been filmed better, but all in all, it’s a movie that should not have done so poorly. My mother and my sister fell in love with the movie too and are dying to know what happens–and they sure haven’t read the book.

I also finished reading Champions by Marie Lu and it was awesome! Seriously, Legend was such a disappointment that I didn’t really think this trilogy could get much better but it did. It exceeded my expectations and so if you are disappointed with the first book, please, please keep reading because it does get better. While I wouldn’t say it’s the best series, or even my favorite, it’s definitely a series worth your while.

Also guys I have reached 450 views this month! I am so happy T_T

From my previous experience as a book blogger on Bookish Freaksย I know that normally during the first month of blogging 100-150 views is the norm. You get more depending on how much effort you are putting in. I know for a fact that I had not tried that hard this month, so it is a really pleasant surprise, especially because when I created this blog instead of revamping the old one, I made a note to myself not to think about my statistics and focus more on content and the enjoyment of blogging.

As this is the end of the month I decided I would take a peek at my stats and I am so happy! I also had 97 visitors, 54 likes, 61 comments and 423 total followers. Again, my statistics are not my biggest priority right now, but I am still so incredibly grateful to all of you for your support. Hugs to all of you! <3

Monthly Wrap Up: August At A Glance

Other updates: Joined yet another club called The Classics Club. The goal of the club is to read a minimum of 50 classics in 5 years and to have fun while you are at it.ย It’s specifically a club for bloggers, so now you have one more excuse to join the blogosphere if you haven’t already.

And that’s a wrap!

I want to keep this short because I haven’t really been feeling well–emotionally and physically–for a while now, ever since Eid. I hope this month has treated you all well, and I wish you a wonderful September this year.




Monthly Wrap Up: August At A Glance



16 thoughts on “Monthly Wrap Up: August At A Glance”

  1. imbso sorry to hear about issues in your country, I hope youโ€™re well โค๏ธ Welcome back to blogging though!! Iโ€™ve heard such awful things about The Darkest Minds movie and I really donโ€™t like the main actress (I just donโ€™t like her acting tbh) so Iโ€™m really scared to watch it. Your stats also sound great Iโ€™ve been so proud of mine because this is only my first month blogging and I managed to get 2000 views ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ great post โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ

    1. OMG CONGRATULATIONS SARIKA!!! That is amazing! *showers you in confetti and glitter* Yeah even I felt like the main actress could have done better. She was mostly just a crying, sobbing mess, unlike the MC in the book. Thank you so much for your kind words <3 I look forward to reading more from you!

  2. Aaaah can’t wait to see what September brings for you on the blog, and the Classics Club sounds like something I need….but also no cause my TBR already wants to murder me xD <3

  3. Looks like youโ€™ve made a solid return to blogging! And omg Iโ€™m so happy to hear you liked TDM! Itโ€™s one of my sentimental favorites, and Iโ€™m hoping to see the movie soon because I couldnโ€™t earlier this month.

    I hope next month treats you well!!

    1. Thank you so much Meaghan! Obviously the movie was not as good as the book but yes TDM is AMAZING! I cannot wait to read the next book ๐Ÿ˜ Who’s your favorite character?

      1. In TDM, Chubs is absolutely my favorite, but there’s a character in the next two books I love even more. ๐Ÿ’™ Let’s just say I like the sharp, snappy characters best almost all the time, haha.

        Who ended up being your favorite?

  4. Nice wrap up! Congratulations on getting 450 views this month! I’m glad you’re back and I’ll look forward to more posts from you. I never read Legend series but I always wanted to.
    Hope you have a wonderful September! ๐Ÿ™‚

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