Book Review of Orchard of Skeletons by Eli Wilde
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Review: Orchard Of Skeletons by Eli Wilde

It’s been a while since the last time I picked up a dystopian horror, but even then, I did not expect Orchard of Skeletons by Eli Wilde to be such an unforgettable and incredible survival story! Centered around two teenagers on the run for freedom, Orchard of Skeletons is a dark and gruesome story set in a post-apocalyptic world where most of humanity have died to a pandemic while the rest that are alive would do anything to survive, even if it means resorting to nightmarish violence.

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Daughter Of The Moon Goddess
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Review: Daughter Of The Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan

I am the problem, it’s me.

For real though. Highly appropriate Taylor Swift references aside, Daughter Of The Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan is hit-or-miss; you’ll either love it or you won’t. And I…am not quite fond of it. That’s not an issue with the book itself, it’s just a very personal preference.

Sounds ambiguous? Here’s my explanation for those who care to read.

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The Literary Undoing of Victoria Swann
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Review: The Literary Undoing Of Victoria Swann by Virginia Pye

While I have sort of stopped reading historical fiction as I grew older, there have been a few rare gems that I do come across now and then. The Literary Undoing of Victoria Swann by Virginia Pye is one such amazing book. A love letter to readers, writers, and librarians, The Literary Undoing Of Victoria Swann is an inspiring story about a woman who chooses to defy patriarchy with her written stories.

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Why The Hunger Games Books Are Still Popular
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Why The Hunger Games Books Are Still Popular 10 Years Later

It’s been a while since I last read The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, but I still remember how, back when I was only 16, it was one of those Young Adult books that took the entire world by storm. And although there has been an endless slew of Young Adult dystopian novels since then, The Hunger Games books are still buzzing on book Twitter, bookstagram, and TikTok. Which begs the question: why are The Hunger Games books still popular today?

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Review The Dos And Donuts Of Love
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Review: The Dos And Donuts Of Love by Adiba Jaigirdar

As a Bangladeshi woman who has never really seen her culture represented accurately in media or literature, I was beyond thrilled for the release of The Dos and Donuts of Love by Adiba Jaigirdar! It was in fact, number one on my list of most anticipated summer book releases of 2023. The story follows Shireen Malik, a Bangladeshi teenager being raised in Ireland, who gets a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to compete in a reality TV baking show.

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Top 5 Pride Books Of 2023
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Top 5 Pride Books On My TBR

Happy Tuesday friends! Pride month is here, and this year, there are some amazing books coming out that I absolutely cannot wait to read. Dive in below to see the Top 5 Pride Books of 2023 on my TBR!

Today’s topic is actually a prompt from Top 5 Tuesday, a weekly bookish meme originally created by The Bionic Bookworm and now being hosted by Meeghan Reads

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Most Anticipated Summer Book Releases Of 2023
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Most Anticipated Summer Book Releases Of 2023

We’re halfway through the year, and that means it’s time for my roundup of the most anticipated summer book releases of 2023! From cutesy fluffy romances, heart-wrenching literary fiction, to dark Gothic fantasies, there are TONS of incredible books coming out in Summer 2023 by Muslim, BIPOC and queer authors.

For this particular post though, I have carefully handpicked the books that I have been eagerly waiting for. So without further ado, here are my top 10 most anticipated summer book releases of 2023.

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How To Read More Books
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How To Read More Books (And Enjoy The Bookworm Life)

With so many books out there and so little time, one of the biggest questions that plague every bookworm is this: how to read more books and tackle that ever-growing TBR list?

While I can assure you that your TBR list is never ever getting shorter, there are actually several ways you can read more and enjoy the ultimate bookworm life. I’ll admit that I never find enough time to read as much as I truly want to, especially with all the things that keep getting in the way of reading, but here are some expert tips on how to read more books that actually work.

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Most Recommended Books
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Books I Recommend to Others the Most

One of the most difficult questions I get from people is when they ask me to recommend a book. Which sounds strange; as a book blogger, that should be the easiest part of my job, right? 

In a world where so many incredible stories are constantly being churned out every day, it’s not easy to pick a favorite or even one that everyone will love. Still, there are a few books that I do believe everyone should read at least once in their lives. Here’s my list of the most recommended books for young adult and adult readers alike.

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Book Review Song Of The Mango And Other New Myths by Vida Cruz-Borja
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Book Review: Song Of The Mango And Other New Myths by Vida Cruz-Borja

If you have been here for a while, then you must know about my love for fairy tales, folklore and fantasy. When I picked up Song of the Mango And Other New Myths, I was expecting a collection of fantastical, whimsical stories rooted in Filipino folklore and mythology, that would sweep me off my feet and take me to places that could only exist in my imagination.

Book Cover Song Of The Mango And Other New Myths by Vida Cruz Borja

I got all of that and so. Much. More. 

At times enchanting and captivating, at times unnerving, Song of the Mango by Vida Cruz-Borja is an anthology like no other. With stories that openly and joyfully celebrate Filipino culture and heritage, Song of the Mango And Other New Myths is an epic collection of fantastical stories written with great, vivid imagery, along with elements of Filipino folklore as well as modern and contemporary themes. 

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