Books About Palestine
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10 Books About Palestine You Should Read Right Now

With the genocide happening in Palestine and all the media circus surrounding it, I have been coming across several resources sharing some of the best books about Palestine people should read to gain a better understanding of the situation. I wanted to take the moment to step away from today’s regular Top Ten Tuesday post to talk about this issue that matters so much to me.

And so, instead of following this week’s Top 10 Tuesday topic, let’s talk about some of the best books about Palestine that can help you understand why this violence shouldn’t be labeled “Israel-Palestine conflict” and how exactly it started all those years ago.

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Most Anticipated Horror Books of 2023
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Most Anticipated Horror Books Of 2023

With the spooky season coming up, there’s really no better time to get cozy with a blanket and a good horror book to kick off Halloween this year. For me personally. there are tons of great spine-chilling novels coming out this year; here are some of my most anticipated horror books of 2023.

~Top 10 Most Anticipated Horror Books Of 2023~

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Why The Hunger Games Books Are Still Popular
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Why The Hunger Games Books Are Still Popular 10 Years Later

It’s been a while since I last read The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, but I still remember how, back when I was only 16, it was one of those Young Adult books that took the entire world by storm. And although there has been an endless slew of Young Adult dystopian novels since then, The Hunger Games books are still buzzing on book Twitter, bookstagram, and TikTok. Which begs the question: why are The Hunger Games books still popular today?

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Top 5 Pride Books Of 2023
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Top 5 Pride Books On My TBR

Happy Tuesday friends! Pride month is here, and this year, there are some amazing books coming out that I absolutely cannot wait to read. Dive in below to see the Top 5 Pride Books of 2023 on my TBR!

Today’s topic is actually a prompt from Top 5 Tuesday, a weekly bookish meme originally created by The Bionic Bookworm and now being hosted by Meeghan Reads

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Most Anticipated Summer Book Releases Of 2023
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Most Anticipated Summer Book Releases Of 2023

We’re halfway through the year, and that means it’s time for my roundup of the most anticipated summer book releases of 2023! From cutesy fluffy romances, heart-wrenching literary fiction, to dark Gothic fantasies, there are TONS of incredible books coming out in Summer 2023 by Muslim, BIPOC and queer authors.

For this particular post though, I have carefully handpicked the books that I have been eagerly waiting for. So without further ado, here are my top 10 most anticipated summer book releases of 2023.

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How To Read More Books
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How To Read More Books (And Enjoy The Bookworm Life)

With so many books out there and so little time, one of the biggest questions that plague every bookworm is this: how to read more books and tackle that ever-growing TBR list?

While I can assure you that your TBR list is never ever getting shorter, there are actually several ways you can read more and enjoy the ultimate bookworm life. I’ll admit that I never find enough time to read as much as I truly want to, especially with all the things that keep getting in the way of reading, but here are some expert tips on how to read more books that actually work.

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Most Recommended Books
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Books I Recommend to Others the Most

One of the most difficult questions I get from people is when they ask me to recommend a book. Which sounds strange; as a book blogger, that should be the easiest part of my job, right? 

In a world where so many incredible stories are constantly being churned out every day, it’s not easy to pick a favorite or even one that everyone will love. Still, there are a few books that I do believe everyone should read at least once in their lives. Here’s my list of the most recommended books for young adult and adult readers alike.

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First 5 Books I Reviewed
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The First 5 Books I Reviewed

Lately, I have been re-reading the Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi from the beginning again, and each time I finished a book from the series, I went to Goodreads and re-read my original reviews waaaayyyyy back from almost five or six years ago…and oh my god friends, it was pure joy!

I’ll be the first to admit that my reviewing style was super immature back then, but was it entertaining?


In fact, I had so much fun re-reading the thoughts of younger little me, that I decided to write a post on the first 5 books I have ever reviewed. That’s right friends, today, we are gonna take a trip down memory lane where I’ll be re-reading the first 5 books I reviewed on this blog and sharing my thoughts about each of them. Let’s get to it!

First 5 Books I Reviewed
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Dramatic Bookworm Problems
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Top 5 Dramatic Bookworm Problems

Happy Tuesday again friends! This week’s Top 5 Tuesday topic demands that I let my inner diva take the stage, and I am all for it! Here are my top 5 dramatic bookworm problems, and if you think I am being extra, then please take the exit on the left. 💋

For those who don’t know, Top 5 Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme originally created by The Bionic Bookworm and now hosted by Meeghan from Meeghan Reads.

~ Top 5 Dramatic Bookworm Problems ~

Dramatic Bookworm Problems

Let me be the first to say that bookworms have to be the easiest to please species on planet Earth. All we want is an infinite amount of time to read books, an infinite amount of money to buy books, and infinite bookshelves for growing our collection. 

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Best Book To Film Adaptations
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5 Best Book To Film Adaptations

There are very few things in this world that terrifies a bookworm as much as book to film adaptations do. No, we are not being nitpicky–it is actually rare for us to come across a book to film adaptation that is neither a complete mess nor goes off track from the source material.

BUT, thankfully, there are still quite a few gems that have been made based on equally beautifully written books. Here are my list of the best book to film adaptations that I have seen till date.

~ Top 5 Best Book To Film Adaptations ~

Best Book To Film Adaptations
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