The end of every year is always such a sentimental time for me. I am introspective by nature, so of course on New Year’s Eve I will be sitting alone in my room, slightly tipsy on a few glasses of wine, lofi music playing on the background while I reflect on everything that has happened to write my 2023 year in review.
Continue reading “2023 Year In Review”Author: tanazmasaba
Today And Forevermore, Tell The Story Of Palestine
It’s been one month of endless bombings in Gaza. One month of endless killing and destruction of civilians for the alleged purpose of eliminating a handful of terrorists. One month of debating whether the lives of 8000+ children justify avenging 200 hostages. One month of not acknowledging the actual world powers who have so much to gain from the erasure and colonization of Palestine.
One month of one of the wealthiest nations in the world, with the most advanced military technology, methodically crushing the lives of people whose only self-defense is homemade rocket missiles. People who were banned from using the colors red, black, white, and green, and so they have resorted to using watermelons as a symbol of their resistance and defiance.
One month of protestors coming out in tens of thousands, rallying on the streets and demanding ceasefire. One month of the news and media outlets refusing to cover these protests. One month of Spain, Australia and Ireland directly speaking up for Palestinians; even North Korea had voted to send immediate relief to Palestinians at the UN before being vetoed by USA.
What kind of poeple say no relief for victims of a genocide?
I wonder if the day will ever come when I will be able to make sense of all this senseless violence. When I will have the utmost privilege of understanding even a fraction of God’s plan.
He is infinite. A month to him is less than a moment. The Quran says 6 billion years to Him is like 6 days.
But surely the lives that are being brutally snuffed out mean more than that?
We have failed our children in the worst possible ways and the only shred of peace and comfort I can find is how, atleast this time, we are not speechless. At least for once we are not silent.
We will keep telling the story of Palestine for generations to come. I want to scream from the river to the sea, but my heart fears that Palestine will never be free. But even if my fears come true, I know that we will still remember them, their stories, their resilience and we will the future generations about them year after year after years and that is how they will always live on.
Netflix Series Review: The Fall Of The House Of Usher
As someone who is a HUGE fan of almost all of Mike Flanagan’s works, I think you can safely presume that I absolutely loved Netflix’s The Fall Of The House Of Usher. In fact, dare I say that this horror series on Netflix might be one of Mike Flanagan’s best work yet!
A love letter to several short stories written by Edgar Allan Poe, The Fall Of The House Of Usher is a spine-chilling horror series that shows how a once-powerful and wealthy family come face to face with their ruins, and the supernatural forces that seem to haunt them for sinister reasons.
Continue reading “Netflix Series Review: The Fall Of The House Of Usher”Book Review: The Modern Girl’s Guide To Magic By Linsey Hall
I might be a big fan of high fantasy, but every once in a while, I get an itch to read a fun supernatural story–usually featuring vampires or witches. Which is why I knew I would love Modern Girl’s Guide To Magic by Linsey Hall when I first picked it up, and I was right.

A light and charming story about a witch with wonky powers trying to prove herself, The Modern Girl’s Guide To Magic by Linsey Hall is a fun cozy read with just the right sprinkling of magic and romance.
Continue reading “Book Review: The Modern Girl’s Guide To Magic By Linsey Hall”10 Books About Palestine You Should Read Right Now
With the genocide happening in Palestine and all the media circus surrounding it, I have been coming across several resources sharing some of the best books about Palestine people should read to gain a better understanding of the situation. I wanted to take the moment to step away from today’s regular Top Ten Tuesday post to talk about this issue that matters so much to me.
And so, instead of following this week’s Top 10 Tuesday topic, let’s talk about some of the best books about Palestine that can help you understand why this violence shouldn’t be labeled “Israel-Palestine conflict” and how exactly it started all those years ago.
Continue reading “10 Books About Palestine You Should Read Right Now”Fair Play Movie Review: A Brilliant Portrayal Of Toxic Masculinity And Gender Politics
I am usually the last person to ever watch anything that is pitched as a “sensual, erotic thriller”, but just for Phoebe Dynevor, I was willing to make an exception and watch Fair Play on Netflix. And I am so glad I did, because this has to be one of my most favorite feminist thriller films to date!
A gripping and unnervingly disturbing look at the downward spiral of a power couple’s relationship, Fair Play movie is a brilliantly made thriller that shows just how dangerous fragile masculinity can be.
Continue reading “Fair Play Movie Review: A Brilliant Portrayal Of Toxic Masculinity And Gender Politics”Why The Genocide In Palestine Hits So Close To Home
The past few weeks have been…well, to say that the ongoing genocide in Palestine isn’t affecting me would be a complete lie. I wish I wasn’t so sensitive to these things, but as it happens I think I might need to step away from the internet for a while and disappear into fictional places. I understand that’s a very privileged thing to say, but I am well aware that the fact that I can write these words down without fearing for my life, in the comfort and the safety of a house that is not under the threat of being bombed, that in and of itself is a great luxury.
Continue reading “Why The Genocide In Palestine Hits So Close To Home”10 Culture Shocks In Canada I Was Not Prepared For
Moving to a new country requires you to do a lot of planning in advance, which I thought I had taken care of. But even so, there are some lessons in life that you only learn when you experience it firsthand, and that’s when you might be in for a few culture shocks. Here are some of the 10 bizarre culture shocks in Canada that I was absolutely not prepared for.
10 Culture Shocks In Canada That Took Me By Suripse As An International Student

Full disclaimer before we dive in: none of the things mentioned here are meant to offend anybody; these are some real experiences that a lot of international students such as myself had after moving to Canada, and it’s not a negative reflection of any culture, but rather a reminder of how diverse our society is, and how things are done differently in different countries.
Continue reading “10 Culture Shocks In Canada I Was Not Prepared For”My Top 10 Horror Movies Of All Time
With Halloween coming up, I couldn’t resist creating this listicle where I share my favorite top 10 horror movies of all time…and yes, when I say “favorite horror movies”, I do mean that these are some of the scariest horror films that I can actually rewatch and still get spooked!

As someone who has grown up watching horror and thriller films, you’d think I would be immune to ghastly jump scares, revolting corpses, and creaking doors that have minds of their own, by now. But it’s the opposite actually. Even at the age of 20 something, I am still terrified of horror films…and can’t stop watching them. 🤣
Continue reading “My Top 10 Horror Movies Of All Time”Most Anticipated Horror Books Of 2023
With the spooky season coming up, there’s really no better time to get cozy with a blanket and a good horror book to kick off Halloween this year. For me personally. there are tons of great spine-chilling novels coming out this year; here are some of my most anticipated horror books of 2023.