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Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Book Blogs


I am so excited to start my first Top Ten Tuesday post on this new blog. This week’s prompt is to Favorite Book Blogs and without further ado, here are some of my favorite blogs I have been following for a while (and a few that I have just recently discovered), in no particular order–they are all equally amazing.

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Read At Midnight I have been a huge fan of Aentee’s posts ever since I first began book blogging back in 2015–she is actually one of the very first book bloggers I have been following and I absolutely love her reviews and her gorgeous designs. If you aren’t following her already, you are seriously missing out on some quality content.

Darque Dreamer Reads First of all, Adrienne has the prettiest blog design I have seen till date! I am in love with her mermaid theme and the combination of blues and purples is just perfection. Her book reviews are precise and well-written, and aside from book reviews she also does makeup reviews so if you are fan of both books and makeup I highly recommend checking out her blog.

Never Not Reading I stumbled upon Katie and her blog through Darque’s announcement of Calendar Girls post, and I am glad I did so. Katie writes really interesting and thoughtful posts, and though I am a fairly new follower I really look forward to reading more from her.

Drizzle and Hurricane Books Another blogger I have been following for almost a year if not more, Marie writes engaging posts about all things bookish and blog related. She puts in a lot of effort into her blog and it shows: her blog is full of quality content and I definitely recommend reading them.

The Ultimate Fangirl I remember following Bianca even since she first joined the blogosphere–she is one of the first book blogger friends I made, and I am so happy to see how much her blog has grown. Bianca’s posts are just like her–fun and full of life, and you should definitely follow her if you aren’t already.

22 Is Still Young Adult Speaking of bloggers I have been following since the beginning of my journey as a book blogger, a special shoutout goes to Lydia–though she goes on hiatus really often, whenever she does post, Lydica comes up with quality content and thoughtful reviews and discussion posts and balances humor with critical thinking.

Dreamy Addictions Raven is one of the most supportive blogger friends I have–she has this kind personality that shows through all of her blog posts. She definitely deserves a shout out here!

Bookwyrming Thoughts I started following this blog after befriending Sophia on Book Twitter and let me tell you guys something: this is a blog you must follow! Not only is this blog super cute to the eyes but it also comes with great, fun and humorous content that you don’t want to miss out on.

Book Dragons I am a fairly new follower of Clo–I sort of accidentally discovered her blog after creating my new blog–but I really enjoy all of her posts. She is one of the bloggers I follow on a more or less regular basis because her posts are simply interesting to read.

Flavia The Bibliophile I discovered Flavia through Calendar Girls (can I just say that I love Calendar Girls already even though it has just started?) and I am so glad I did because her blog is simply breathtaking. I haven’t had the chance to read her recent posts yet, but I have read her book review of The Wicked Deep and I can already tell I am going to enjoy all of her posts in the future.

Lastly, though I have already reached number 10, I’d like to give a shoutout to Aila from One Way Or An Author. I have been following her for months now and I love reading her reviews–she is so articulate with her thoughts, and I love how she carefully analyzes every aspect of a book as opposed to simply rating them based on her feelings of enjoyment.

So there you have it! That’s my Top 10 Tuesday post for this week. Feel free to drop links to your Top 10 Tuesday posts in the comments below!



Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Book Blogs



27 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Book Blogs”

      1. Thank you thank you thank you! You are the sweetest! ❤ And I’m glad that I discovered your beautiful blog through Calendar Girls too!

  1. You are so amazing my beautiful friend! You totally made my day! <3 I am so happy to connect with you, am so glad you joined Calendar Girls, and I love reading your amazing book reviews!!

  2. Great list! I follow a lot of these amazing bloggers so I’ll probably also like the others you recommended! Will definitely check them out now 😊

  3. Oh wow THANK YOU so, so much for mentioning me and for your sweet words, this means SO much to me! I’m honored to be featured alongside SO many incredible bloggers, thank you!! <3 <3 <3

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