Saturday Spotlight
Wrap Up Posts, Home, Stray Thoughts

Saturday Spotlight: Week 2 Of May 2023

Happy Saturday my friends! I am back with my weekly wrap up post, in which I share everything that has happened so far during Week 2 of May 2023. This time on Saturday Spotlight, I mostly have updates about some new things I have been trying out, and experiments I am planning to do with the blog, among other exciting news.

Saturday Spotlight Week 2 Of May 2023

Made My First Summer Themed Reading Tracker

I am super excited to read a lot more this summer, especially during Eid break which will happen around the end of June. And to keep track of my reading progress, I made myself an adorable, bright and yellow, lemony summer-themed reading tracker! 💛

Now, I have 0 design skills, my only experience with designing are the blog banners and other graphics I made for this site right here. But I had so much fun creating this reading tracker that I wanted to share it with you guys too!

If you like the design and want to print it out or use it digitally, just click on the button below to get a downloadable PDF link emailed to your inbox (you’ll have to confirm your subscription to The Keysmash Blog since MailPoet will not allow me to send out emails otherwise…don’t worry, I will only send this one email for the reading tracker and you can, of course, unsubscribe any time).

Around The Blogosphere: Favorite Posts From This Week

I haven’t been able to blog hop much this week, but I still came across some blog posts that I absolutely loved and enjoyed reading. Here’s my roundup of the best blog posts from Week 2 of May 2023 around the blogosphere.

Hayley from On This I Ponder shared a charming post about Romantic Moments in Historical Dramas. Her blog is so cute; you should definitely check it out!

Raji from Worlds Unlike Our Own shared a wonderful ARC Review on Ink Blood Sister Scribes. I am definitely adding this to my TBR list!

Cam from Vicoli and Caffe shared a really insightful and inspiring post on How To Be A Blogger which I 1000% recommend checking out.

Lila from Hardcover Haven made a really fun round-up of 10 Songs That Should Be Adapted Into Fantasy Novels.

Blogs Published In Week 2 Of May 2023

I had most of my blogs scheduled in advance for this week, and I had intentionally decided to post twice twice this week rather than thrice just to see how this affects my views and visitor count. Of course, I’ll have to do this experiment several times before I can figure out a posting schedule that will really work well for me–one that lets me rest but still keeps my stats rising too.

In case you missed it, here are the blog posts I published in Week 2 of May 2023:

All The Light We Cannot See Trailer, Release Date, And Cast

All The Light We Cannot See Trailer

Can you tell I am super duper hyped for this miniseries to come out? All The Light We Cannot See miniseries will come on Netflix this November, and the trailer and casting already have my expectations sky high. The book absolutely wrecked me, and I know I am going to need tons of tissues to make it through the series too.

How To Read More Books And Enjoy The Bookworm Life

How To Read More Books

I loved writing this blog post, because I feel like every bookworm on this planet wants to read more and more and MORE books…but not have enough time for it.

I remember how I had really struggled with reading during the pandemic, not just because of all the adjustments that we had to make, but also because I had just graduated and landed my first career a week before our country went into lock down.

With some time, I did manage to learn how to prioritize and have been reading at a pace that not only works for me but makes me happy. And so, I wanted to share my top ten tips to read more books with you guys too!

Currently Reading In Week 2 Of May 2023

I am nearly halfway done with the Literary Undoing of Victoria Swann and oh my god guys, this book is going to be absolutely amazing, I can just tell! I cannot wait to finish it and share my review here next week.

Other Life Updates: I Got Featured By WordCamp Sylhet Team!

Now as for some personal life updates in my wrap up of Week 2 of May 2023: I got featured by the WordCamp Sylhet team!

WordCamp Sylhet

For those unaware, WordCamps are official WordPress conferences that take place in different regions all over the world–some, like WordCamp Asia, are regional events while others like WordCamp Sylhet are local conferences where the entire WordPress community in that area and other nearby places come together to meet, and connect with one another.

WordCamp Sylhet 2023, one of the most anticipated events in my country, just took place on May 19th, and the organizing/publicity team was kind enough to reach out and ask me to share my experiences on WordCamps on their website here.

As someone who is still relatively young and has very little experience in this community, I feel really honored they chose to feature my story along with some of the most inspirational contributors to the community including Ahmed Kabir Chaion, Ganga Kafle, and Rahul D Sarker. Compared to the waves they have been making in this community, I have only made a tiny little splash–like a teeny pebble being dropped in the ocean! If you want, you can still read about my little splashes here. 😂

That’s A Wrap!

And that ends my weekly wrap up post for Week 2 of May 2023. I hope you also had a wonderful week, and that amazing things are coming your way! <3

Saturday Spotlight: Week 2 Of May 2023



2 thoughts on “Saturday Spotlight: Week 2 Of May 2023”

  1. Ahh congrats for the feature! 🥰 that’s super cool!!
    And the reading spreads are so cute, I love lemons designs alot!

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