noun [kee-smash] a random string of letters and symbols typed out on a keyboard or touchscreen, used to signal intense emotion in written communication:
Hello everyone! I am introducing Fanmade Friday today. This is a weekly meme here on Bookish Freaks where I will post fan art and fan videos made by YOU!
This week is for fanarts and here are the amazing creative works I found on Twitter and Facebook. If you want to see your own fan videos or fan art here, contact me on my facebook page:
Here are the artwork I have chosen for this week. Enjoy!
That’s it for today, guys! Next week, I’ll be sharing fan videos so if you have anything you’d like to share or know someone else who makes amazing fan videos, let me know.
Oookay now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s move on to the actual review, shall we?
When I read Shatter Me, I knew that Tahereh Mafi was a brilliant writer, but I never knew exactly how talented she actually is until I read Destroy Me—a novella from the perspective of Warner, a ruthless powerful young man of questionable sanity. And while this book did meet all of my expectations, there were still many things that Continue reading “Review: Destroy Me by Tahereh Mafi (Shatter Me #1.5)”→
Despite the five coffee cups, this is not a book I would recommend to everyone because of the following reasons–
1) This is a depressing book, seeing as how our protagonist is a psychologically unstable teenager who had suffered years of verbal and physical abuse from everyone around her, including her parents.
I was nominated by the amazing Susanne Valenti–another lovely blogger you should all check out–for The Lovely Blogger Awards. Thanks Susanne! You’re an absolute sweetheart <3
The rules for the award are as below:
Display the awrd
Follow the lovely person who nominated you
Nominate 15 other lovely bloggers and let them know
Add 7 facts about yourself
Mention the rules!
So below are the seven facts about me. I’m gonna tell you a few things most people don’t know about me, and a few misconceptions people have about me.
Four Facts Most People Don’t Know About Me:
I am a serious morning person. I usually get up at 4:30 or 5:30 am and start my day. If I don’t, my entire routine gets messed up. That brings me to the second fact.
I am not OCD, but I have a tendency to make very long to-do lists. They are long because I not only write the things I need to get done, but also the things I plan to do during my free time and how much time I would spend doing it.
I am secretly obsessed with Mother Nature. Its the simplest thing that makes me happy. If I am feeling sad, I look outside and watch the clouds/the trees/the sunshine–absolutely every thing in nature can put a smile on my face.
I don’t have a favorite color. People assume my favorite color is light blue, cause I wear it often, but that’s only because I like wearing light blues, greens and pinks during summer (and its almost always summer throughout the year where I live), bright eye-catching colors like hot pink, red, or violet in winters and orange and yellow on rainy days.
Three Misconceptions People Have About Me:
I am a good student. I am not, I swear. I don’t have a modest bone is my body, but I am honest and I will tell you honestly that I’m very stupid and slow–I just work hard, and sometimes, even that’s not enough.
I wear a hijab, so I must be very religious and a very good, decent girl. I hate it when people say this! This is one of the worst stereotypes ever! I don’t wear a hijab cause I’m a good, decent girl–I wear it cause it’s a way of showing respect to the body that Allah gave me. That’s it. And wearing a scarf around my head and neck doesn’t automatically earn me a goody-two-shoes badge or set me apart for being religious–I’m still learning about Islam, I’m still reading the Quran, I still miss my prayers every now and then, and while I do believe in a higher power I’m also a person of science and I am not afraid to switch to being atheist if I find anything illogical/unreasonable/unethical in my religion. As it happens, I haven’t come across anything like that yet.
I rarely wear makeup, so I must prefer being simple. Honestly? I’m just lazy, and not as girly as a nineteen-year-old girl should be. I do like makeup, I like wearing it because it enhances my features, but I’m too lazy to practice doing it (it doesn’t come to naturally as it does with most people).
So there you go, seven facts about me that most people don’t know. Now for the nominations. This is the easy part.
Choose a tv series/ movie that is similar to the book
Tag someone!
Even though I watch a lot of TV shows and movies this was a bit hard for me, but here you go:
If you liked:
Then read:
Wonder is beautifully written story about a physically deformed 11-year-old child. Edward Scissorhands is a beautiful movie about a man with scissors for hands. Neither can blend in our society, not when they were meant to stand out. That’s a quote from Palacio.
2) If you liked:
Then read:
Just like Marvel’s X-men series, Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children By Ransom Riggs is a well written, amazingly illustrated story about “peculiar children’–kids of all ages with superpowers. The best part? The book is full of actual photographs of the characters, the settings, and even some of the events in the story. The writer originally meant it to be a picture-book for kids, but the photographs he collected inspired him to give life to what is without a doubt, one of the best stories I have read!
Also, Tim Burton is making a movie adaptation for this book!
3) If you liked:
Then read:
Kami Garcia/Unbreakable
Both has demons, ghosts, angels, lots of scare that left me sleepless at night, and two insanely hot guys. Can’t go wrong with that!
4) If you liked:
Then read:
Both belongs to the Science Fiction genre, and both explores the concepts of parallel universes. If you haven’t watched Fringe yet, I pity you–you don’t know what you’re missing. If you haven’t read Tandem yet–I pity you, you don’t know what you’re missing.
5) If you liked:
Then read:
People with superpowers trying to fulfill their destiny while also being hunted down by madmen? This book and this movie have a lot more in common than you might think.
6) If you liked:
Then you must read:
They are both similar in the way that entire place is isolated from the rest of the world by a strange phenomenon–except that in Michael Grant’s Gone, children below the age of fifteen are stuck inside the dome, and all of the adults disappear. I can’t say much about the tv series, but you have got to read this book!
7) If you liked:
Then read:
Penelope is a girl cursed with a pig nose. North of Beautiful is about a girl with port-wine stain. They both feature romance, self-discovery, acceptance and the addresses the question: is beauty really skin deep?
8) If you liked:
Then read:
I love foreign films, and Pan’s Labyrinth is also the only film I know that features the faeries the way they are portrayed in the Iron Fey series. However, this isn’t the only the book and the movie has in common. While both are significantly different, they also follow the story of two girls as they discover a strange magical world, are forced to do dangerous tasks and in the end make a huge sacrifice for their brothers.
9) If you liked:
Then read:
Shatter Me is actually quite similar to X-men–the main protagonist actually has Rogue’s power–but it is also very, very similar to Heroes with the whole save-the-world theme.
Also, if you liked Heroes, then I love you and you are officially one of the coolest people ever!
Save the cheerleader. Save the world.
I’m sorry but I cannot talk about Heroes without saying that. Or without fangirling!
Well, that is it guys. I’d love it if you did this tag too, so whoever is reading this…YOU’VE BEEN TAGGED!
Loved reading these books and hopefully the reviews will be up by next week. Can’t say for sure cause I’m super busy with college deadlines. *falls face first on the laptop*