noun [kee-smash] a random string of letters and symbols typed out on a keyboard or touchscreen, used to signal intense emotion in written communication:
Hello everyone! I have finally returned from an unannounced hiatus and what better way is there to start anew than with a ridiculously fun meme? I am super excited for my first Top Ten Tuesday post, a weekly meme originally created by The Broke And The Bookish. This week’s topic is about 2016 Debut Releases that I cannot wait to get my hands on and let me tell you something: there are many great books that are going to be released in the coming year.
I received this book for free in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.
Normally I’m very reluctant when it comes to reading self-published or “indie” books because previous experiences weren’t exactly positive. While Chained by Susanne Valenti may not be on my top 10 list, it’s certainly much better than most self-published books I have ever read.
The Writing: One of the things that drew me in about this book was the writing—it was quite simple, but the world-building was amazing. I particularly loved the description of Harbor City; the imagery was incredibly vivid and I could easily picture the complex system of skyscrapers and connecting towers in my head. In fact, one of the strongest points of the book was the way the surroundings and the events were described—for most of the book, the writing was so lifelike that it was easy to dive in to the dystopian world the book was set in.
Goodreads, and recently through reviews posted by other bloggers. I also check out the Netgalley lists for books to add to my TBR list.
How did you get into reading?
I grew up listening to fairytales since I was a child–bedtime stories weren’t enough for me; I needed a story at breakfast, at lunch, after school, before studying, and well…you get the gist. So it wasn’t a surprise to anyone when I started devouring books as soon as I learned to spell. Also, my parents, my Nanu (maternal grandmother) as well as uncles and aunts (again on my maternal side) are all avid readers, so of course I am no different.
How has your taste in books changed as you got older?
I used to read a lot of classics and non-English titles. Now, for the past three years I have mostly read YA and all English titles but I’m trying to break out of that routine and be as diverse a reader as I can be.
How often do you buy books?
I buy physical books whenever my mom lets me which isn’t often–ever since she discovered e-books, she insists on buying those for me since they literally don’t take up space. And as we are a family of readers, you can imagine how much of our space is used up for all of our books.
How did you get into book reviewing?
I am not sure but I think I got the idea when I was planning to make a blog for my book-obsession. I figured if I was gonna make a book blog, might as well make it a book reviewing blog.
How do you react when you don’t like the end of a book?
This is a very belated post, but better late than never right? I’ve been nominated by two amazing bloggers–Susanne Valenti and Bianca The Ultimate Fangirl for this award. Please check out their blog guys cause they are two awesome people!
The rules:
The Rules:
Put the award logo on your blog
Answer the 7 question set by the person who nominated you and create 7 new ones
Thank the people who nominated you, linking to their blog
Nominate however many people you like, linking to their blogs
Let them know you nominated them
Susanne’s Questions for me:
1) Which book character would you want to meet and why?
Xemerius from the Ruby Red trilogy. Because he is a dead demon with sassy humor, an infinite expertise in the field of history, and he likes to eat ghosts. Continue reading “The Real Neat Blogger Award”→
Hello everyone! It’s Fanmade Friday–a weekly meme/feature here on Bookish Freaks. This week is for fanvideos and I have for you an amazing fanmade video for Leigh Burdago’s Grisha trilogy, made by jumboskittles . Go give her channel a look guys, she’s awesome!
If you want to see your own fan videos or fan art here, contact me on my facebook page:
That’s it for today, guys! Next week, I’ll be sharing fanart so if you have anything you’d like to share or know someone else who makes amazing fan videos, let me know.
Hello everyone! This is a completely non-bookish post (hence why it is in the Stray Thoughts) but I wanted to share this with you guys anyway since tomorrow is a very exciting day for me. Eid-ul-Azha marks the anniversary of a very special day in Islamic history (in fact, this event is also recognized by Christianity…I’m not so sure about Judaism) but for me, the highlight of this day is the happiness it brings to those below the poverty line–on this day, those who can afford it are required to sacrifice a herbivore and donate a minimum of one-third of it’s meat to charity–if you can afford to do more, then it is recommended that you do more for the poor. And really, there is something very uplifting and also humbling about seeing the excitement and happiness this day brings to these particular people.
On a less serious note and a more personal note, Eid is another opportunity of gaining extra weight in my family. My mom, who is an excellent cook, loves making us fat and so this is what Eid usually brings to our dining table.
I’m obviously not going to be getting rid of the 10 pounds I’ve been wanting to lose this month.
Oooh and also, my sister just came home with mehdi (heena tattoo) on her hands!
I know that’s a lot heena tattoo images but I’m just excited to see if it comes out a rich ruby red tomorrow morning when she washes off the green paste.
Anyways, Muslim or not, believer or not, I want to wish every one of my followers lots and lots of love and good wishes tomorrow and on the days to come. Have a great weekend, everyone!
I received this book for free in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.
I started this book with low expectations—and by the time I was a little more than halfway done, I was convinced this was going to be one of the best books I have read—only to be sorely disappointed by the last quarter of the story. In spite of this—I’d still recommend this book to anyone who loves fantasy and fae stories—this book may not be without its flaws, but it’s not a completely waste of time either. To put it in a nutshell—Lauren Bird Horowitz’s debut novel Shattered Blue is a roller coaster ride.
I received this book for free in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.
Ratings: 3/5 ☕☕☕
I really want to give this book good ratings because there were so many parts that were brilliantly written. Katie Li is a talented writer, one I would definitely want to read more from, and while her debut novel Somewhere In Between is a beautiful story that will transport you away from the real world, it has several issues which are preventing me from putting this particular on my best-reads list.
The Writing: Katie Li’s writing is very simple and yet has a sort of charm to it that will draw you in. Her descriptions of the surroundings—both in the real world and in the in-between place—is so lifelike that you cannot help but feel like you are actually there, Continue reading “Review: Somewhere In Between By Katie Li”→
OMG you guys I’m not even done with this book–I’ve finished like only 60%– but it’s so good!
Which is really really bad for me at the moment cause I have like tons of homework I need to catch up on and there’s so little time!!!
I know, I know. I need to set my priorities straight so I should log off right now and go back to studying.I swear that’s what I am going to do right now.
Oooh but then there was that really cool plot twist I didn’t see coming (and let me tell you, I am very good at predicting plot twists) so maybe I should read that bit first…..
Le sigh. I’m a weakling. And you know what? This book is so good that I don’t even care!
If you’ve read my very first review then you’ve already seen these quote illustrations before. These are actually the very first illustrations I made so they are not that good, but I wanted to share them with you anyway.