August 2022
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Monthly Wrap Up: August 2022

The summer of 2022 is officially over, and I am so very grateful. This year has been blessedly wonderful, and looking back, I have made many beautiful memories and had many new experiences. As we get ready to welcome fall, I want to take a moment to appreciate all the good things I have been blessed with in this monthly wrap up of August 2022.

August 2022

August 2022 Recap: Favorite Books & Shows Of The Month

This month I have managed to squeeze in enough time for three books: Dauntless by Elisa A. Bonnin, To Kill A Kingdom by Alexandra Christo, and The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi.

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The Sandman On Netflix
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Netflix Series Review: The Sandman

Warning: this review is more of a ramble than a proper review because I am still too mesmerized after watching this masterpiece of a show to collect my thoughts.

The Sandman on Netflix is a fantasy TV show based on the comics series of the same name by Neil Gaiman and published by DC Comics. It follows the story of Morpheus, a brooding, morally ambiguous, and self-involved anthropomorphic personification who governs the realm of dreams of all living beings.

The Sandman On Netflix
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Belladonna by Adalyn Grace
Book Corner, Home, Reviews, Romance, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Young Adult

Book Review: Belladonna By Adalyn Grace

This has to be hands-down one of my favorite Young Adult fantasy novels of the year! A dark, intriguing YA Gothic Fantasy about a girl who can see ghosts but cannot die, and her strange connection with Death himself–Belladonna by Adalyn Grace is equal parts coming-of-age romance and murder mystery combined in one.

Belladonna by Adalyn Grace
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Books With Crowns On The Cover
Book Corner, Home, Other Bookish Stuff, Top 10 Tuesday

Top 5 Books With Crowns On The Cover

Happy Tuesday again friends! This week’s Top 5 Tuesday prompt is one fit for royalty. Today, I am going to share my top 5 books with crowns on the cover!

For those who don’t know, Top 5 Tuesday is a bookish meme created by the Bionic Bookworm and now currently being hosted by Meeghan from Meeghan Reads. Meeghan is always coming up with cool fun ideas for Top 5 Tuesday, so make sure to head over to her site and check out her posts too!

Books With Crowns On The Cover
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The Girl From The Well By Rin Chupeco
Book Corner, Home, Reviews, Thriller, Young Adult

Review: The Girl From The Well by Rin Chupeco

Riveting and full of suspense, The Girl From The Well is an amazing YA horror novel by Rin Chupeco. The creepy narration style combined with incredibly well-developed characters, The Girl From The Well by Rin Chupeco is quite an intriguing story, and unique in the way the story is told from the lens of a dead girl.

The Girl From The Well By Rin Chupeco

That’s right, our main character, Okiku, has been dead for several long years now. And she is the one who tells us a horror story about a cursed young boy named Tarquin, who has demons trapped beneath his skin, and a secret family history involving eerie doll rituals and exorcisms that follow ancient Japanese rituals. 

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Top 10 Books Set In Beautiful Places
Book Corner, Home, Other Bookish Stuff, Top 10 Tuesday

Top 10 Books Set In Places I’d Love to Visit 

Usually, when I am reading any book, I find myself wanting to live in the fictional, fantasy worlds they are set in. But once in a while, I’ll come across books set in beautiful places in the real world, and my inner wanderlust would be instantly triggered!

Unfortunately, I am too broke to travel to all of the beautiful places I read about in books, and even if I could afford it–being a brown girl means I have family restrictions when it comes to traveling solo. Sigh.

~ Top 10 Books Set In Beautiful Places ~

Top 10 Books Set In Beautiful Places

A girl can still dream though, and this week’s Top Ten Tuesday prompt is one that definitely has me dreaming. Today, I am going to share my favorite, top 10 books set in beautiful places, places that I’d love to visit someday.

For those who don’t know, Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly meme originally created by The Broke And The Bookish and now being hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

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Dauntless by Elisa A. Bonnin
Book Corner, Bookish News & Releases, Home, Other Bookish Stuff, Reviews, Romance, sci-fi, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Young Adult

Blog Tour: Dauntless by Elisa A. Bonnin [Review + Exclusive Giveaway]

As a big fan of all things science-fiction and fantasy, I was super excited to get my hands on Dauntless by Elisa A. Bonnin–an upcoming, Filipino-inspired, young adult fantasy novel about an orphaned teenage girl who must step up to bring peace to a war-torn world.

Dauntless by Elisa A. Bonnin

Set in a lush, vibrant tropical world–one where dangerous beasts roam the earth and humans are forced to build entire villages and cities amidst giant spreading treesDauntless by Elisa A. Bonnin follows a young girl named Seri, who is hired as an assistant for Eshai, a battle-hardened legendary commander whose life is dedicated to protecting humans against the attack of beasts.

However, Seri’s world quickly turns upside down when she runs into Tsana, a mysterious girl who can communicate with these wild beasts and seems to be in league with them.

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Review: The Haunting At Hill House
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Netflix Series Review: The Haunting Of Bly Manor

Having a mother who is obsessed with horror films I have watched my fair share of the scariest movies you could think of–the list includes box office hits and underrated gems alike. And as I grew older, I realized that not only did I share a love of the terrifying unknown and inexplicable with my mother–we also shared a love for horror stories that were more than jump scares, possessions, and tales of revenge.

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Top 5 Rainy Day Reads
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Top 5 Rainy Day Reads

Happy Tuesday, again friends! It’s been a hot two minutes since my last Top 5 Tuesday post, but I am excited to get started with today’s topic because it has two of my favorite things: books, and rain. 

That’s right, today’s prompt is about the top 5 rainy day reads or books you want to cozy up with on a rainy day.

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Things I Am Discovering About Myself

Things I Am Discovering About Myself

I had many, many blog posts planned for June, along with a few personal plans that I wanted to get on with. Unfortunately, life had other plans for me. For the past two weeks, my workplace made it mandatory for a select few employees in senior positions to attend a training session on emotional intelligence–sessions that would begin after office hours and continue late into the evening.

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