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Review: The Keeper Of Lost Things by Ruth Hogan

With a charming premise, a stunning cover design, and praises from top publications in the industry, The Keeper Of Lost Things by Ruth Hogan promises an enchanting tale of love and healing. But does the story live up to its praises?

Review: The Keeper Of Lost Things by Ruth Hogan

In my opinion, that would be a BIG NO. Here’s my review of The Keeper Of Lost Things; I forced my way through all 336 pages of this disappointing novel so that you don’t have to.

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Book Corner, Home, Young Adult

Review: A Torch Against The Night by Sabaa Tahir (Ember Quartet #2)

This is the first time I am sitting down to review Sabaa Tahir’s A Torch Against The Night, the second book of her debut series, An Ember In The Ashes. However, I have read this book a thousand times before, and with every re-read, the story just gets better.

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Book Corner, Bookish News & Releases, Dystopia, Home, Other Bookish Stuff, sci-fi, Thriller, Young Adult

Blog Tour: Becoming Brooklyn [International Giveaway + Review]

Becoming Brooklyn by Amanda Deich follows the story of a superhero teenage girl, who in her quest for wanting to know more about her heroic father, agrees to join an elite military that will do anything to fight terrorism at home and abroad. What follows is just the beginning of Brooklyn’s heroic journey as the terrorists find out about her super powers and decides to bring the war to her.

Becoming Brooklyn

Thank you Xpresso Book Tours for having me as a tour host for this book. My review of this post is at the end of this post, where you can win a chance to enter an international giveaway too!

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Book Corner, Home, Other Bookish Stuff, Young Adult

Review: Hana Khan Carries On By Uzma Jalaluddin [Exclusive International Giveaway]

Review: Hana Khan Carries On By Uzma Jalaluddin [Exclusive International Giveaway]

As a South Asian Muslim woman myself, I was beyond excited to get my hands on Hana Khan Carries On by Uzma Jalaluddin, a delightful love story featuring a bold, brilliant and ambitious young Muslim protagonist, two competing rival halal restaurants, and a diverse cast of colored characters. I have to admit, this is definitely going to be one of the best book of 2021. Hana Khan Carries On takes all the things you love in a romantic-comedy and gives it a refreshing new twist.

Thank you so much Colored Pages Tour for having me as a tour host for this amazing book, and to Atlantic Books for sending me a review copy. Read on below for my full review (or get the TL;DR version here) & participate in an exclusive giveaway to win ONE FINISHED COPY OF Hana Khan Carries On by Uzma Jalaluddin.

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Book Corner, Home, Reviews, Young Adult

Review: Unravel The Dusk by Elizabeth Lim (The Blood Of Stars #2)

Review: Unravel The Dusk by Elizabeth Lim (The Blood Of Stars #2) The Keysmash Blog

Important Note: This is a review for the second book in the The Blood Of Stars duology by Elizabeth Lim, and therefore may contain spoilers from the first book, Spin The Dawn. If you have not read Spin The Dawn yet, check out my review of it here.

Spin The Dawn by Elizabeth Lim blew me away; it was a phenomenal and captivating young adult fantasy novel that I absolutely adored and could not put down even for a minute. And after the epic cliffhanger ending of the first book, I had high expectations for the sequel, Unravel The Dusk.

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Home, Book Corner, Reviews, Young Adult

Review: Spin The Dawn By Elizabeth Lim (Blood Of Stars #1)

Spin The Dawn by Elizabeth Lim

Having read some of my friend’s raving reviews about Spin The Dawn by Elizabeth Lim, I knew before going in that I would love this book. What I didn’t expect was to fall head over heels for this story, and finish all 400 pages in one night.

But that’s the magic of Spin The Dawn for you. Enchantingly beautiful and indulgent, Spin The Dawn is essentially a Young Adult fairy tale that will sweep you off your feet.

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Adult, Book Corner, Home, Mental Health, Reviews

Book Review: The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo By Taylor Jenkins Reid

Book Review: The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo By Taylor Jenkins Reid

This is my third time re-reading The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid, and once again I find myself completely awestruck by this beautiful gem of a story.

The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo tells the mesmerizing, gripping and heart wrenching story of a global super star named Evelyn Hugo, as she fights tooth and nail to pull herself out of poverty and become one of the highest paid actresses of Hollywood. The real mystery though, is her seven marriages, and her insistence in doing an interview with an obscure journalist.

Shocking, scandalous and riveting, The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo is a gripping novel that explores themes of feminine sexuality from the glittering lens of Old Hollywood. Each time I finished this book, I was left a sobbing, weeping mess.

Read on below for my full review, or see the quick version here.

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Adult, Book Corner, Home, Reviews

Review: The Rape Trial Of Medusa By Michael Kasenow

The Rape Trial Of Medusa Book Review Banner
I am going to keep this review short, or else this review will end up becoming a 1500+ words rant about how male authors need to practice nuance and sensitivity when writing books about women and issues regarding women. At the very least, they should hire female sensitivity readers who can point out some of the problems I will mention here and how to write them better.

The Rape Trial Of Medusa tells us the story of a very well-known Greek mythology, but with a twist. Set in modern times, we witness the trial of Medusa who was raped and blamed for her beauty, and unfairly punished by Athena.
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Book Corner, Home, Reviews, Young Adult

Review: The Rise Of Kyoshi By F. C. Yee & Michael DiMartino

Review: The Rise Of Kyoshi By F. C. Yee & Michael DiMartino

As someone who very recently watched Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend Of Korra, I was completely mesmerized by the lore and the detailed, diverse universe of this series. Binging both animated series multiple times wasn’t enough; I wanted to stay in the Avatar universe a bit longer and learn more about all the other Avatars and their stories of hardships too.

The Rise of Kyoshi was exactly what I needed. A phenomenal young adult fantasy novel, this book by F. C. Yee chronicles the life of the fiercest Avatar in history, and my god, what an incredible legend it is.

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Book Corner, Home, Mystery & Thriller, Reviews, Thriller, Young Adult

Flyaway by Kathleen Jennings: A lusciously dark, mysterious fantasy

Flyaway by Kathleen Jennings: A lusciously dark, mysterious fantasy

This is without a doubt one of the best standalone fantasy novels I’ve read in 2020. Flyaway by Kathleen Jennings is a lusciously dark and mysterious story that follows Bettany Scott as she tries to find answers to the disappearances of her father and brothers.

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