
Ten Books That Have Been Collecting Dust On My TBR Shelf


This week’s Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by the Broke and Bookish, makes me really sad, because it reminds me again of the countless number of books out there just waiting to be read and I do not have enough time in my life to read them all.


227443I wanted to read Bridget Jones’ Diary ever since watching the movie (best chick flick/rom com ever!) and I actually remember this being the very first book that I added on my to-reads list after joining Goodreads. Unfortunately, it is still on that list, unforgotten until today.









214438A story about four friends and summer and pants that are a perfect fit? I should have read this book a long, long time ago.










6668467I have heard so much about the Winter Garden, and my sister, who have already read this book even though it was not on her TBR, keeps reminding me to pick it up. And I will. I just do not know when.









Three books I am so ashamed of not having read yet that I won’t even try to excuse myself. I solemnly swear to read The Golden Compass, The Name of the Wind, and The Princess Bride as soon as I am done with the 14 books I have planned to read through August to September.


12232938.jpgThe movie Lovely Bones is one of my favorite movies of all time, so naturally, when I heard it was based on a book, I instantly added to my TBR. Naturally, I never came around to reading it because I could not find the time.









10917The same goes for My Sister’s Keeper.












8127My love for classics made me add this book to my TBR, but like many other classics I have yet to pick it up.










439288 (1)And finally, there is this book, which is the only book on this list that I haven’t read not because of lack of time but because I plan on reading this in hardcover because all of Laurie Halse Anderson’s books must be bought in hardcover and given the respect they deserve.

Thank goodness this list asks for only 10, because really, the number of books that I have added to my to-reads list before becoming a blogger is probably over 100. How many books did you add on your TBR before becoming a blogger?


Ten Books That Have Been Collecting Dust On My TBR Shelf



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