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Reading Challenges And Why I Love Them

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Most of you who are active in the book community–and by active I mean, you talk to other book lovers and participate in reading groups and what not–are already familiar with reading challenges. They are a fun way to read more books and to step out of your comfort zone and read more widely as well. But they can also be stressful and daunting, especially if you have a busy schedule (or if you have terrible time management skills like me).

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Ten Reasons To Join Netgalley

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Hello everyone! Today I want to introduce a new feature/meme on my blog—“Ten Reasons Thursday”.

 Ten Reasons Thursday

For my first Ten Reasons Thursday post, I want to discuss 10 reasons why all you bookish people should join this incredibly amazing website called Netgalley. What makes this site is amazing is that on Netgalley you can connect with publishers and receive books for free—no catch, no gotcha’s. As far as I know, it is one of the best places to get e-ARCs (electronic Advanced Reader’s Copies) as well as released copies of books that publishers put up for everyone to read. Have I piqued your interest yet? If yes, read on for more.

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