Book Review Song Of The Mango And Other New Myths by Vida Cruz-Borja
Book Corner, Adult, Diverse Books, Home, Own Voices, Retellings, Reviews, Science Fiction & Fantasy

Book Review: Song Of The Mango And Other New Myths by Vida Cruz-Borja

If you have been here for a while, then you must know about my love for fairy tales, folklore and fantasy. When I picked up Song of the Mango And Other New Myths, I was expecting a collection of fantastical, whimsical stories rooted in Filipino folklore and mythology, that would sweep me off my feet and take me to places that could only exist in my imagination.

Book Cover Song Of The Mango And Other New Myths by Vida Cruz Borja

I got all of that and so. Much. More. 

At times enchanting and captivating, at times unnerving, Song of the Mango by Vida Cruz-Borja is an anthology like no other. With stories that openly and joyfully celebrate Filipino culture and heritage, Song of the Mango And Other New Myths is an epic collection of fantastical stories written with great, vivid imagery, along with elements of Filipino folklore as well as modern and contemporary themes. 

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Adult, Book Corner, Calendar Girls, Other Bookish Stuff, Retellings, Uncategorized

Review: The Secret Diary Of Lizzie Bennet


Twenty‑four‑year‑old grad student Lizzie Bennet is saddled with student loan debt and still living at home along with her two sisters—beautiful Jane and reckless Lydia. When she records her reflections on life for her thesis project and posts them on YouTube, she has no idea The Lizzie Bennet Diaries will soon take on a life of their own, turning the Bennet sisters into internet celebrities seemingly overnight.

When rich and handsome Bing Lee comes to town, along with his stuck‑up friend William Darcy, things really start to get interesting for the Bennets—and for Lizzie’s viewers. But not everything happens on‑screen. Lucky for us, Lizzie has a secret diary.

5 out of 5

This review is part of The Calendar Girls monthly blog event, hosted by the lovelies at Darque Dreamer Reads and Never Not Reading. To know more about The Calendar Girls, click here

I have always been a lover of classics, but Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice holds a very, very special place in my heart. With a main character who is as witty, charming, and yet flawed as Elizabeth Bennet, the complicated yet strangely relatable family relationships (relatable only if you are a young adult female from a Southeast Asian country such as myself), and Austen’s viciously funny narration style, it’s hard not to love Pride and Prejudice.

And it’s equally hard not to love it’s very clever, very funny and extremely endearing modern-day retelling: The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet by Bernie Su and Kate Noble.

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Adult, Home, Retellings

Review: A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Mass

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Rating: ☕☕☕ (3/5)

Where do I even begin?

As someone who was not at all impressed by Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Mass, I was extremely reluctant to pick up this series, especially given the fact that it received the same amount of hype that Throne of Glass did–a book I did not enjoy at all. For this reason, I had very low expectations when my best friend forced me to read ACOTAR (you know you gotta read a book when your BFF says “read this book or friendship over”).

And well…surprise, surprise, I once again have the unpopular opinion.

Review: A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Mass

The first thing that I want to mention is that this book is set in an incredibly beautiful world, and the way the writer portrayed this world and made this world come to life is beyond amazing. Continue reading “Review: A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Mass”

Home, Retellings, Young Adult

Review: A Thousand Nights by E. K. Johnston



Rating: 4/5 ☕☕☕☕

Last week I reviewed The Wrath and The Dawn by Renee Ahdeih, a retelling of the classic One Thousand and One Nights story, and I found myself having a rather negative unpopular opinion about it. Deciding that it would be best if TWATD and I parted our ways before our relationship could become more toxic, I chose to try my luck with E.K. Johnston’s A Thousand Nights instead. And I have a lot to say about it.

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Dystopia, Home, Retellings, Young Adult

Review: Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard


Ratings:  ☕☕☕☕☕ (5/5)


Excuse me while I collect my thoughts.

fangirl in public 2

I’ve been struggling to write this review without fangirling and failed five times. Just thinking about this story is making me feel tingly and excited inside! Unique, captivating and unforgettable, Victoria Aveyard’s debut novel Red Queen is a must-read for…well…everyone.

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Dystopia, Retellings, Young Adult

Review: For Darkness Shows The Stars by Diana Peterfreund

Ratings: 3/5 stars ★★★☆☆


Diana Peterfreund presents you Jane Austen’s Persuasion…with a twist!!


That was my initial reaction, but as it turns out, this book is not as terrible as I thought it would be.

Before I get into this review, let me make it clear that I am a huge Jane Austen fan. That being said, Persuasion is the only book by Jane Austen Continue reading “Review: For Darkness Shows The Stars by Diana Peterfreund”